
dialog-el - Vaadin Add-on Directory

An a11y equipped dialog element written for the modern browser with Web Components dialog-el - Vaadin Add-on Directory
**[ This description is mirrored from at []( on 2019-05-10 ]** [![Build Status](]( [![Published on](]( # <dialog-el> This repo is a Custom Element for creating accessible dialogs/modals It is heavily inspired by Polymer's [paper-dialog]( and the [A11y Dialog]( fork from Edenspiekermann. ## Dependencies There are no non-native dependencies in this Web Component. If your browser supports the following two things you are good. If not you will need to make sure you load the Polyfills first - Promises - - - Web Components (including Shadow DOM) - ## Utilization _Examples:_ **HTML** ```html

A header

Dialog Content

A modal

Modal Content

``` **JavaScript** ```javascript var dialogEl = document.createElement('dialog-el'); document.body.appendChild(dialogEl); ``` ## Methods - `` This is the means of displaying the dialog/modal. Simply select the element and call this method to display the dialog/modal. **Example:** ```javascript var dialog = document.querySelector('dialog-el');; ``` This function returns a `Promise` that you can use to perform operations after the dialog/modal has displayed. **NOTE: The `show` function, if called on an already open dialog, will throw an error** `` can also take an optional DOM Element as an argument. If passed the dialog will attempt to intelligently position itself relative to the passed element. **Example:** ```javascript var dialog = document.querySelector('dialog-el'); var button = document.querySelector('#myMagicButton');; ``` Positioning will be handled based on the existence of a valid `arrowPosition` value. If the value **does not** exist the dialog will position itself where there is the most available screen real estate. If the value **does** exist, the dialog will be positioned such that the arrow points at the center of the passed element. **Restrictions** - If your `dialog-el` is positioned inside of a container with `overflow: hidden` this can cause the dialog to not be visible on the screen. - Your dialog must have a fixed height & width to ensure correct positioning, consider doing something like the following: ```html
``` - `dialog.close` This is the means of closing an open dialog/modal. Simply select the element and call this method to close it. **Example:** ```javascript var dialog = document.querySelector('dialog-el'); dialog.close(); ``` This function returns a `Promise` that you can use to perform operations after the dialog/modal has closed. **NOTE: The `close` function, if called on an already closed dialog, will throw an error** ## Properties - `modal` If set the dialog will render as a fixed position modal instead of an absolute positioned dialog. - `arrowDirection` Based on the value of this property (left, right, top, bottom), it will render an arrow on that side of the dialog. For example, a value of `left` adds an arrow to the left side of the dialog. _Example:_ ```html

A header

Dialog Content

``` ```javascript var dialog = document.createElement('dialog-el'); dialog.arrowDirection = 'left'; document.body.appendChild(dialog); ``` **NOTE: This does not work with the `modal` property** ## Events - `dialog-opened` Fired whenever the dialog is opened. - `dialog-closed` Fired whenever the dialog is closed. ## CSS Custom Properties Use these to override default styles Property Name | Description | Default Value -------------| --------------| ------------- `--dialog-el-padding` | Used as the padding for the dialog | `15px` `--dialog-el-background` | Used for the `background` property of the dialog | `#FFFFFF` These defaults effectively wrap your provided local DOM in a 15px white border. Override them to change the appearance.