
JDAL Vaadin UI Library - Vaadin Add-on Directory

Spring integration, form data binding and UI component library JDAL Vaadin UI Library - Vaadin Add-on Directory
JDAL Vaadin is a port of JDAL Swing Library to Vaadin including the following features: Spring Integration: - Spring custom namespace for configuring Vaadin components in bean definiton files. - Serializable proxy support to allow injecting spring beans into Vaadin components with session pasitivation and replication across cluster nodes. - Spring scope for Vaadin 7 UIs. - Resource property editor to allow injecting resources in bean definition files. - Spring UIProvider. - Spring Security integration - ListBeanContainer with support of indexed properties, ie person.addresses[0] UI Library: - Automatic and annotation driven form data binding between views and models. - Support for JSR-303 and spring validators. - Server side paged table with navigation and filtering support. - Form building support class. - Configurable login form - Configurable button bar for Vaadin navigator. And more...