
isw-responsive-behavior - Vaadin Add-on Directory

Provides feedback about device and orientation, using material design breakpoints. isw-responsive-behavior - Vaadin Add-on Directory
**[ This description is mirrored from at []( on 2019-05-22 ]** # \ **Deprecated! New approach with [isw-responsive](** Provides feedback about device and orientation, using material design breakpoints. ### Properties * screenWidth (Number) * screenHeight (Number) * device (String, "mobile", "tablet", "desktop") * orientation (String, "portrait", "landscape") ### Add behavior It's recommended to use it only once (e.g. in the app) and propagate it to the children (e.g. the views) via properties. Make sure to set reflectToAttribute if attribute selectors are used in the view. Polymer 2.0: ```javascript class MyApp extends Polymer.mixinBehaviors([ iswResponsiveBehavior ], Polymer.Element ) { ... } ``` Polymer 1.0: ```javascript Polymer({ is: 'my-app', behaviors: [ iswResponsiveBehavior ] ... }); ``` ### CSS The `device` and `orientation` properties reflect to attribute, so attribute selectors can be used. ```css :host([device="desktop"]) .someSelector { ... } :host([device="mobile"][orientation="landscape"]) .someSelector { ... } ``` ### Elements Some of our elements, e.g. isw-toolbar, are using `device` and `orientation` to display. Simply bind these properties to make them responsive. ```html ... ``` ### Imperative iswResponsiveBehavior gets the onResize function called, with Polymer 2.0 classes it can be used like a lifecycle function. ```javascript onResize() { super.onResize(); switch( this.device ) { case 'desktop': // Desktop. break; case 'tablet': // Tablet. break; default: // Mobile. } } ```