
ImageFilter - Vaadin Add-on Directory

Vaadin integrated image filtering component with 124 built-in image filters ImageFilter - Vaadin Add-on Directory
This component comes to help when you have an image, but you need to adjust it a bit before displaying it. You can rotate, scale, add shadow or round corners, etc. With the help of excellent Java Image Filter package from JH Labs total 124 filters are available! And if these are not enough, you can always create custom filters using Java2D API. Image component utilizes a stack to organize filters. It can be used to sort, revert and repeat the operations as needed. Also built-in caching can be turned on to make the reverting a very quick operation. This is a server-side component extending Embedded so no client-side compilation is not needed. NOTE: If you just need a light-weight client-side image scaling at the client side you might consider using the ImageScaler add-on instead. Follow the link at the side panel. Dependenies: Copy the Filters.jar from JH Labs: Compiled with Java 5 and Vaadin 6.2.3.
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JH Labs Java Image Filters
ImageScaler Add-on

ImageFilter version 0.5.3