Ilves is a feature packed seed for responsive web apps. If JEE portal feels too heavy for you then Ilves may be a better fit for your project.
Ilves enables lean development and deployment of responsive web apps:
- minimizing Zero Sprint length (embedded jetty and WAR seed projects),
- accelerating development cycles (embedded web server),
- catering for common functionality (built-in features),
- minimizing web UI code complexity (Vaadin framework) and
- enabling one step cloud deployment (Heroku) or
- easy setup to other cloud environments like Amazon AWS.
Features and architecture details are available at Ilves Wiki which you can find from Links section of this page.
Feature highlight: FIDO U2F login support. Feature highlight: GitHub OAuth login support. Feature highlight: Google Authenticator two factor login support.
Please take look at "5 minute tutorial" for detailed description about development cycle.
Sample code
package org.bubblecloud.ilves.comment; import com.vaadin.server.VaadinService; import com.vaadin.ui.*; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.vaadin.addons.sitekit.model.Company; import org.vaadin.addons.sitekit.model.User; import; import; import javax.persistence.EntityManager; /** * Example comment component implementation. */ public class CommentAddComponent extends CustomComponent { private CommentListComponent commentListComponent; /** * The default constructor which instantiates Vaadin * component hierarchy. */ public CommentAddComponent() { final User user = DefaultSiteUI.getSecurityProvider().getUserFromSession(); final String contextPath = VaadinService.getCurrentRequest().getContextPath(); final Site site = Site.getCurrent(); final Company company = site.getSiteContext().getObject(Company.class); final EntityManager entityManager = site.getSiteContext().getObject(EntityManager.class); final Panel panel = new Panel(site.localize("panel-add-comment")); setCompositionRoot(panel); final VerticalLayout mainLayout = new VerticalLayout(); panel.setContent(mainLayout); mainLayout.setMargin(true); mainLayout.setSpacing(true); final TextArea commentMessageField = new TextArea(site.localize("field-comment-message")); mainLayout.addComponent(commentMessageField); commentMessageField.setWidth(100, Unit.PERCENTAGE); commentMessageField.setRows(3); commentMessageField.setMaxLength(255); final Button addCommentButton = new Button(site.localize("button-add-comment")); mainLayout.addComponent(addCommentButton); if (user == null) { commentMessageField.setEnabled(false); commentMessageField.setInputPrompt(site.localize("message-please-login-to-comment")); addCommentButton.setEnabled(false); } addCommentButton.addClickListener(new Button.ClickListener() { @Override public void buttonClick(Button.ClickEvent event) { final String commentMessage = commentMessageField.getValue(); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(commentMessage)) { return; } final Comment comment = new Comment(company, user, contextPath, commentMessage); entityManager.getTransaction().begin(); try { entityManager.persist(comment); entityManager.getTransaction().commit(); commentMessageField.setValue(""); if (commentListComponent != null) { commentListComponent.refresh(); } } finally { if (entityManager.getTransaction().isActive()) { entityManager.getTransaction().rollback(); } } } }); } /** * @return the comment list component */ public CommentListComponent getCommentListComponent() { return commentListComponent; } /** * @param commentListComponent the comment list component to set */ public void setCommentListComponent(final CommentListComponent commentListComponent) { this.commentListComponent = commentListComponent; } }
package org.bubblecloud.ilves.comment; import com.vaadin.server.VaadinService; import com.vaadin.ui.*; import com.vaadin.ui.themes.ValoTheme; import org.vaadin.addons.sitekit.model.Company; import; import org.vaadin.addons.sitekit.util.GravatarUtil; import javax.persistence.EntityManager; import javax.persistence.TypedQuery; import javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder; import javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaQuery; import javax.persistence.criteria.Root; import java.util.List; /** * Example comment list component implementation. */ public class CommentListComponent extends CustomComponent { public CommentListComponent() { } @Override public void attach() { super.attach(); refresh(); } public void refresh() { final String contextPath = VaadinService.getCurrentRequest().getContextPath(); final Site site = Site.getCurrent(); final Company company = site.getSiteContext().getObject(Company.class); final EntityManager entityManager = site.getSiteContext().getObject(EntityManager.class); final CriteriaBuilder builder = entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder(); final CriteriaQuery<Comment> commentCriteriaQuery = builder.createQuery(Comment.class); final Root<Comment> commentRoot = commentCriteriaQuery.from(Comment.class); commentCriteriaQuery.where(builder.and( builder.equal(commentRoot.get("owner"), company), builder.equal(commentRoot.get("dataId"), contextPath) )); commentCriteriaQuery.orderBy(builder.asc(commentRoot.get("created"))); final TypedQuery<Comment> commentTypedQuery = entityManager.createQuery(commentCriteriaQuery); final List<Comment> commentList = commentTypedQuery.getResultList(); final Panel panel = new Panel(site.localize("panel-comments")); setCompositionRoot(panel); final GridLayout gridLayout = new GridLayout(3, commentList.size() + 1); panel.setContent(gridLayout); gridLayout.setSpacing(true); gridLayout.setMargin(true); gridLayout.setColumnExpandRatio(0, 0.0f); gridLayout.setColumnExpandRatio(1, 0.1f); gridLayout.setColumnExpandRatio(2, 0.9f); final Label authorHeaderLabel = new Label(); authorHeaderLabel.setStyleName(ValoTheme.LABEL_BOLD); authorHeaderLabel.setValue(site.localize("column-header-author")); gridLayout.addComponent(authorHeaderLabel, 0, 0, 1, 0); final Label commentHeaderLabel = new Label(); commentHeaderLabel.setStyleName(ValoTheme.LABEL_BOLD); commentHeaderLabel.setValue(site.localize("column-header-comment")); gridLayout.addComponent(commentHeaderLabel, 2, 0); for (int i = 0; i < commentList.size(); i++) { final Comment comment = commentList.get(i); final Link authorImageLink = GravatarUtil.getGravatarImageLink(comment.getAuthor().getEmailAddress()); gridLayout.addComponent(authorImageLink, 0, i + 1); final Label authorLabel = new Label(); final String authorName = comment.getAuthor().getFirstName(); authorLabel.setValue(authorName); gridLayout.addComponent(authorLabel, 1, i + 1); final Label messageLabel = new Label(); messageLabel.setValue(comment.getMessage()); gridLayout.addComponent(messageLabel, 2, i + 1); } } }
- Author Homepage
- Online Demo
- Issue Tracker
- Source Code
- Seed Project
- 5 Minute Tutorial
- Support Forum
- Features at Wiki
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ask questions on StackOverflow.
- Improved login form.
- Implemented support for Universal Second Factor (U2F, FIDO standard).
- Released
- 2016-02-01
- Maturity
- License
- Apache License 2.0
- Framework
- Vaadin 7.6+
- Vaadin 7.4+ in 4.1.3
- Vaadin 7.3+ in 4.0.5
- Browser
- Firefox
- Opera
- Safari
- Google Chrome
- iOS Browser
- Android Browser
- Internet Explorer
- Windows Phone
Ilves - Vaadin Add-on Directory
Ilves is a feature packed seed for responsive web apps. If JEE portal feels too heavy for you then Ilves may be a better fit for your project.Online Demo
Issue Tracker
Source Code
Seed Project
5 Minute Tutorial
Support Forum
Features at Wiki
Ilves version 3.0.5
Enabled Valo responsiveness features in Ilves default theme.
Ilves version 3.0.8
* Added property for switching on production mode.
* Optimized Wiki page rendering.
* Cleaned up theme styles.
Ilves version 3.0.12
Implemented support for Google Analytics.
Ilves version 4.0.5
- Added security layer audit trail.
- Refactored package structures.
- Refactored theme.
- Improved wiki on page editing.
- Added HTML escaping to Wiki markup.
- Added WAR project seed.
- Added on demand command line SASS compiler to seed projects.
- Added command line generator for generating liquibase change XML from JPA model changes.
Ilves version 4.0.6
* Updated Vaadin version to 7.4.0.
* Updated LazyQueryContainer version to
Ilves version 4.1.0
Implemented GitHub OAuth login with automatic self registration option.
Ilves version 4.1.3
Improved GitHub OAuth login with automatic self registration option.
Implemented Google Authenticator two factor login.
Ilves version 4.1.6
Changed icons to FontAwesome.
Updated look and feel.
Ilves version 4.1.7
- Improved login form.
- Implemented support for Universal Second Factor (U2F, FIDO standard).