A small add-on for creating localized applications
I18N4Vaadin is a small and simple add-on for making it easier to localize Vaadin applications. By using I18N4Vaadin, you do not have to implement a new localization system for every application and you can even change the language of your application on the fly without having to restart it.
This add-on is no longer maintained.
Sample code
@Message(key = "greeting", value = "Hello {0}! How is it going?") private void sayHello() { Notification.show(bundle.greeting(name.getValue())); }
@VaadinUI @Root public class DemoUI extends UI implements LocaleChangedListener { @I18nSupportedLocales({ @Locale(language = "en"), @Locale(language = "sv"), @Locale(language = "fi") }) @Inject private I18N i18n; @Inject private DemoUIBundle bundle; @Inject private CDIViewProvider viewProvider; private ComboBox languageChanger; @Override protected void init(VaadinRequest request) { VerticalLayout content = new VerticalLayout(); content.setMargin(true); content.setSpacing(true); content.setSizeFull(); setContent(content); languageChanger = new ComboBox(); languageChanger.setContainerDataSource(new BeanItemContainer<java.util.Locale>(java.util.Locale.class, i18n.getSupportedLocales())); languageChanger.setImmediate(true); languageChanger.addValueChangeListener(new Property.ValueChangeListener() { @Override public void valueChange(Property.ValueChangeEvent event) { if (languageChanger.getValue() != null) { i18n.setLocale((java.util.Locale) languageChanger.getValue()); } } }); content.addComponent(languageChanger); Panel viewContent = new Panel(); viewContent.setSizeFull(); content.addComponent(viewContent); content.setExpandRatio(viewContent, 1); Navigator navigator = new Navigator(this, viewContent); navigator.addProvider(viewProvider); navigator.navigateTo("demo"); setNavigator(navigator); updateStrings(); } @Override public void attach() { super.attach(); // We cannot use CDI events due to the way Vaadin CDI is currently implemented i18n.addLocaleChangedListener(this); } @Override public void detach() { // Remember to clean up afterwards, otherwise we will get memory leaks (the I18N instance is session scoped) i18n.removeLocaleChangedListener(this); super.detach(); } @Messages({ @Message(key = "application.title", value = "I18N4Vaadin CDI Demo Application"), @Message(key = "languageChanger.caption", value = "Change language") }) private void updateStrings() { getPage().setTitle(bundle.application_title()); languageChanger.setCaption(bundle.languageChanger_caption()); languageChanger.setValue(i18n.getLocale()); } @Override public void localeChanged(LocaleChangedEvent event) { updateStrings(); } }
public class DemoUI extends UI implements LocaleChangedListener, I18NProvider { private I18N i18n = new SimpleI18N(Arrays.asList(new Locale("en"), new Locale("sv"), new Locale("fi"))); private DemoUIBundle bundle = new DemoUIBundle(); private ComboBox languageChanger; static { I18NHolder.setStrategy(new I18NProvidingUIStrategy()); } @Override protected void init(VaadinRequest request) { VerticalLayout content = new VerticalLayout(); content.setMargin(true); content.setSpacing(true); content.setSizeFull(); setContent(content); languageChanger = new ComboBox(); languageChanger.setContainerDataSource(new BeanItemContainer<java.util.Locale>(java.util.Locale.class, i18n.getSupportedLocales())); languageChanger.setImmediate(true); languageChanger.addValueChangeListener(new Property.ValueChangeListener() { @Override public void valueChange(Property.ValueChangeEvent event) { if (languageChanger.getValue() != null) { i18n.setLocale((java.util.Locale) languageChanger.getValue()); } } }); content.addComponent(languageChanger); Panel viewContent = new Panel(); viewContent.setSizeFull(); content.addComponent(viewContent); content.setExpandRatio(viewContent, 1); Navigator navigator = new Navigator(this, viewContent); navigator.addView("demo", DemoView.class); navigator.navigateTo("demo"); setNavigator(navigator); updateStrings(); } @Override public void attach() { super.attach(); i18n.addLocaleChangedListener(this); } @Override public void detach() { i18n.removeLocaleChangedListener(this); super.detach(); } @Messages({ @Message(key = "application.title", value = "I18N4Vaadin CDI Demo Application"), @Message(key = "languageChanger.caption", value = "Change language") }) private void updateStrings() { getPage().setTitle(bundle.application_title()); languageChanger.setCaption(bundle.languageChanger_caption()); languageChanger.setValue(i18n.getLocale()); } @Override public void localeChanged(LocaleChangedEvent event) { updateStrings(); } @Override public I18N getI18N() { return i18n; } }
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Release 2.0.0 final. No API changes.
- Released
- 2013-10-01
- Maturity
- License
- Apache License 2.0
- Framework
- Vaadin 7.1+
- Vaadin 7.0+ in 2.0.0.beta2
- Vaadin 6.0+ in 0.9.1
- Browser
- Browser Independent
I18N4Vaadin - Vaadin Add-on Directory
A small add-on for creating localized applicationsIssue Tracker
Source Code
User's Manual
I18N4Vaadin version 0.9.1
Added the sources to the addon JAR.
I18N4Vaadin version 2.0.0.beta1
Complete rewrite. See the project wiki for more details.
I18N4Vaadin version 2.0.0.beta2
Fixed a small annotation processor bug (having a parameter present was enough for the processor to interpret it as "true" even if the value of the parameter was "false"). Demo applications have also been created, but they are not included in the directory download. You can find them in GitHub.
I18N4Vaadin version 2.0.0
Release 2.0.0 final. No API changes.