Handsontable for Flow
Flow wrapper for Handsontable JS component
Flow wrapper for Handsontable JS component
It is based on Handsontable 7.4.2 with the following major changes.
- You can use properties names instead of cell addresses in your formula, e.g.
. - New items are added to the context menu for formatting including bold, italic, strike through, underscore and border.
Handsontable License
In order to use this component you need to directly obtain a license for Handsontable JS component.
License & Author
This Add-on is distributed under Apache 2.0
Component Factory Handsontable is written by Vaadin Ltd.
Sponsored development
Major pieces of development of this add-on has been sponsored by multiple customers of Vaadin. Read more about Expert on Demand at: Support and Pricing
Sample code
public class BasicDemoView extends AbstractDemoView { private static final String SAMPLE_JSON_DATA = " [ \n" + "{\n" + " \"name\": \"Anne\", \n" + " \"age\" : 13, \n" + " \"isMarried\" : false, \n" + " \"address\": { \n" + " \"street\": \"#1234, Main Street\", \n" + " \"zipCode\": \"123456\" \n" + " }, \n" + " \"phoneNumber\": \"011-111-1111\"\n" + " }, \n" + "{\n" + " \"name\": \"John\", \n" + " \"age\" : 34, \n" + " \"isMarried\" : false, \n" + " \"address\": { \n" + " \"street\": \"#1234, Kurala Street\", \n" + " \"zipCode\": \"123456\" \n" + " }, \n" + " \"phoneNumber\": \"011-222-1111\"\n" + " },\n" + "{\n" + " \"name\": \"Peter\", \n" + " \"age\" : 40, \n" + " \"isMarried\" : false, \n" + " \"address\": { \n" + " \"street\": \"#1234, Tor Street\", \n" + " \"zipCode\": \"123456\" \n" + " }, \n" + " \"phoneNumber\": \"011-222-1111\"\n" + " },\n" + "{\n" + " \"name\": \"Kate\", \n" + " \"age\" : 45, \n" + " \"isMarried\" : true, \n" + " \"address\": { \n" + " \"street\": \"#1234, Varange Street\", \n" + " \"zipCode\": \"123456\" \n" + " }, \n" + " \"phoneNumber\": \"011-333-1111\"\n" + " }\n" + "]"; private TextArea textArea; private Handsontable handsontable; public BasicDemoView() { UI.getCurrent().setLocale(Locale.GERMANY); add(new H1("Basic usage")); textArea = new TextArea("data"); textArea.setValue(SAMPLE_JSON_DATA); textArea.setHeight("500px"); textArea.setWidth("100%"); JsonArray data = createJsonObject(); handsontable = new Handsontable(data); Settings settings = new Settings(); settings.setLicenseKey("non-commercial-and-evaluation"); settings.setColHeaders(true); handsontable.setSettings(settings); handsontable.setId("hot1"); Button setDataButton = new Button("Set data", event -> { handsontable.setData(createJsonObject()); }); Button retrieveDataButton = new Button("Retrieve data", event -> { handsontable.retrieveData(jsonValues -> textArea.setValue(jsonValues.toString())); }); Button retrieveDataAsArrayButton = new Button("Retrieve data as array", event -> { handsontable.retrieveDataAsArray(list -> textArea.setValue(list.stream().map(Arrays::toString).collect(Collectors.toList()).toString())); }); Button setCellsMetaButton = new Button("Set cells meta", event -> { List<Cell> cells = new ArrayList<>(); Cell cell; cell = new Cell(); cell.setRow(1); cell.setCol(1); cell.setBold(true); cells.add(cell); cell = new Cell(); cell.setRow(2); cell.setCol(1); cell.setStrikethrough(true); cells.add(cell); cell = new Cell(); cell.setRow(1); cell.setCol(2); cell.setBorder(true); cells.add(cell); handsontable.setCellsMeta(cells); }); Button retrieveCellsMetaButton = new Button("Retrieve Cells Meta", event -> { handsontable.retrieveCellsMeta(list -> textArea.setValue(list.toString())); }); Button setSettingsButton = new Button("Set settings", event -> { Settings newSettings = new Settings(); newSettings.setLicenseKey("non-commercial-and-evaluation"); newSettings.setRowHeaders(true); newSettings.setColHeaders(new String[]{"1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6"}); handsontable.setSettings(newSettings); }); Button changeLanguageToEnglishButton = new Button("English Language", event -> { Settings newSettings = new Settings(); newSettings.setLanguage("en-FI"); handsontable.setSettings(newSettings); }); Button changeLanguageToGermanButton = new Button("German Language", event -> { Settings newSettings = new Settings(); newSettings.setLanguage("de-DE"); handsontable.setSettings(newSettings); }); HorizontalLayout buttons = new HorizontalLayout(setDataButton, retrieveDataButton, retrieveDataAsArrayButton, setCellsMetaButton, retrieveCellsMetaButton, setSettingsButton, changeLanguageToEnglishButton, changeLanguageToGermanButton); Button receiveSettingsButton = new Button("Receive settings", event -> { handsontable.retrieveSettings(receivedSettings -> { try (StringWriter writer = new StringWriter()) { ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); mapper.setSerializationInclusion(JsonInclude.Include.NON_NULL); mapper.writeValue(writer, receivedSettings); String stringValue = writer.toString(); textArea.setValue(stringValue); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } }); }); Button setDataAtCellButton = new Button("Set data at cell", event -> { handsontable.setDataAtCell(1, 1, "abcd"); }); Button retriveDataAtCellButton = new Button("Retrieve data at cell", event -> { handsontable.retrieveDataAtCell(2, 2, value -> { textArea.setValue("The value at the cell [2, 2] is: " + value); }); }); HorizontalLayout moreButtons = new HorizontalLayout(receiveSettingsButton, setDataAtCellButton, retriveDataAtCellButton); add(handsontable, textArea, buttons, moreButtons); } private JsonArray createJsonObject() { JsonReader reader = Json.createReader(new StringReader(textArea.getValue())); JsonArray jsonArray = reader.readArray(); reader.close(); return jsonArray; } }
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Update license to Apache 2.0
- Released
- 2020-12-10
- Maturity
- License
- Apache License 2.0
- Framework
- Vaadin 14
- Vaadin 14+ in 3.1.1
- Vaadin 13 in 2.0.1
- Vaadin 12 in 2.0.1
- Vaadin 11 in 2.0.1
- Vaadin 10 in 2.0.1
- Browser
- N/A
Handsontable for Flow - Vaadin Add-on Directory
Flow wrapper for Handsontable JS componentHandsontable JS Component
Handsontable for Flow version 2.0.0
Handsontable for Flow version 2.0.1
Handsontable for Flow 2.0.1 is a maintenance release with the following fixes.
- A performance issue in big tables has been fixed.
- `jackson-databind` dependency has been upgraded to fix a security alert
Handsontable for Flow version 3.0.0
### Version 3.0.0
- Compatible with Vaadin 14 npm mode (note, use v2.0.1+ with Vaadin 14 compatibility mode)
Handsontable for Flow version 3.0.1
### Version 3.0.1
- Fixing css imports
Handsontable for Flow version 3.1.0
### Version 3.1.0
- Added support for custom types and renderers
Handsontable for Flow version 3.1.1
### Version
- Updated to use version 7.4.2 of the Handsontable
Handsontable for Flow version 3.1.2
### Version 3.1.2
- Fixing regression: =[Amount]+[Amount]*[TaxRate]/100 feature was accidentally dropped
Handsontable for Flow version 3.2.0
### Version 3.2.0
- Added API to set copy limits
Handsontable for Flow version 3.2.1
Update license to Apache 2.0