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Toolkit to simplify the use of the grid and adds missing features





This toolkil simplify the use of the grid and adds missing features

  • introduce a easy way to build a filterrow
  • add renderers that allows to display a combination of button and value within one cell (missing view/edit/delete button)
  • shorten the lines of code for writing StringConverter
  • add missing css-settings for cell alignment

The GridCellFilter-Component contains filters for the following types:

  • String
  • Date
  • Number (checks if Integer, Long, Double...)
  • Objects / Enums (via ComboBox with Equals-Filter)
  • allows to add custom Filters and Components

For detailed code-example please take a look in the github demo-application. There I've tried to structure my code so that you can understand the usage and the features...

Sample code

package org.vaadin.gridutil.demo;

import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Locale;

import javax.servlet.annotation.WebServlet;

import org.vaadin.gridutil.GridUtil;
import org.vaadin.gridutil.cell.*;
import org.vaadin.gridutil.converter.SimpleStringConverter;
import org.vaadin.gridutil.renderer.*;
import org.vaadin.gridutil.renderer.EditDeleteButtonValueRenderer.EditDeleteButtonClickListener;

import com.vaadin.*;

public class DemoUI extends UI {

	private GridCellFilter filter;

	protected void init(final VaadinRequest request) {
		Grid grid = genGrid();
		this.filter = new GridCellFilter(grid);

		// set gender Combo with custom icons
		ComboBox genderCombo = this.filter.setComboBoxFilter("gender", Arrays.asList(Gender.MALE, Gender.FEMALE));
		genderCombo.setItemIcon(Gender.MALE, FontAwesome.MALE);
		genderCombo.setItemIcon(Gender.FEMALE, FontAwesome.FEMALE);

		// simple filters
		this.filter.setTextFilter("name", true, true);

		// set country combo with custom caption
		ComboBox countryCombo = this.filter.setComboBoxFilter("country", DummyDataGen.COUNTRIES);

package org.vaadin.gridutil.demo;

import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Locale;

import javax.servlet.annotation.WebServlet;

import org.vaadin.gridutil.GridUtil;
import org.vaadin.gridutil.cell.*;
import org.vaadin.gridutil.converter.SimpleStringConverter;
import org.vaadin.gridutil.renderer.*;
import org.vaadin.gridutil.renderer.EditDeleteButtonValueRenderer.EditDeleteButtonClickListener;

import com.vaadin.*;

public class DemoUI extends UI {

	private GridCellFilter filter;

	protected void init(final VaadinRequest request) {
		Grid grid = genGrid();
			.setRenderer(new EditDeleteButtonValueRenderer(new EditDeleteButtonClickListener() {
				public void onEdit(final RendererClickEvent event) {
							.toString() + " want's to get edited", Type.HUMANIZED_MESSAGE);
				public void onDelete(final com.vaadin.ui.renderers.ClickableRenderer.RendererClickEvent event) {
							.toString() + " want's to get delete", Type.WARNING_MESSAGE);
				.setRenderer(new DateRenderer(DateFormat.getDateInstance()))
				.setRenderer(new BooleanRenderer())

package org.vaadin.gridutil.demo;

import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Locale;

import javax.servlet.annotation.WebServlet;

import org.vaadin.gridutil.GridUtil;
import org.vaadin.gridutil.cell.*;
import org.vaadin.gridutil.converter.SimpleStringConverter;
import org.vaadin.gridutil.renderer.*;
import org.vaadin.gridutil.renderer.EditDeleteButtonValueRenderer.EditDeleteButtonClickListener;

import com.vaadin.*;

public class DemoUI extends UI {

	private GridCellFilter filter;

	protected void init(final VaadinRequest request) {
		Grid grid = genGrid();
				.setConverter(new SimpleStringConverter<Country>(Country.class) {
					public String convertToPresentation(final Country value, final Class<? extends String> targetType, final Locale locale)
							throws {
						return String.format("%s <i>(%d)</i>", value.getName(), value.getPopulation());



(Loading compatibility data...)

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  • support getValueProvider thx to @oguzakp
  • GridCellFilter without beanType thx to @Flamenco
MIT License


Vaadin 8.1+
Vaadin 7.4+ in 1.0.0
Browser Independent

GridUtil - Vaadin Add-on Directory

Toolkit to simplify the use of the grid and adds missing features GridUtil - Vaadin Add-on Directory
This toolkil simplify the use of the grid and adds missing features - introduce a easy way to build a filterrow - add renderers that allows to display a combination of button and value within one cell (missing view/edit/delete button) - shorten the lines of code for writing StringConverter - add missing css-settings for cell alignment The GridCellFilter-Component contains filters for the following types: - String - Date - Number (checks if Integer, Long, Double...) - Objects / Enums (via ComboBox with Equals-Filter) - allows to add custom Filters and Components For detailed code-example please take a look in the github demo-application. There I've tried to structure my code so that you can understand the usage and the features...
Author Homepage
Issue Tracker
Source Code
Online Demo

GridUtil version 1.0.0
initial version

GridUtil version 1.0.1
fixed a potential issue with diffent themes then valo

GridUtil version 1.0.2
changed visibilty of some function within CellFilterComponent and GridCellFilter to allow extending the layouts started with a feature to change visibilty of FilterRow * it's a deprecated function because there is still a issue the the connectors that of the cell-components that will not get propably cleand by removeing the hole HeaderRow * you should use this feature with care because it will remove or repaints the hole HeaderRow because the grid itself has no feature to set visibility to rows. (css also not working because of absolute calculations within the grid)

GridUtil version 1.0.3
added support for inputPrompt added support for custom FilterComponents (see demo and code)

GridUtil version 1.0.4
improved javadoc and added serializable

GridUtil version 1.0.5
added requested view button

GridUtil version 1.0.6
- added osgi support - thx to philippberger

GridUtil version 1.0.7
some bugfixes and improvements

GridUtil version 1.0.8
* added value indicator (with ↑↓= and on hover display value) * datefilter with same date works now * minors fixes

GridUtil version 1.0.9
- fixed osgi support thx to philippberger - fixed second bug in DateFilder thx to HapkiFighter

GridUtil version 1.0.10
* added support for custom dateFormat (thx to enver-haase) * allow to specify if you would like to include or exclude endOfLastDay (Day + 23:59:59.999) * some fixes

GridUtil version 1.1.0
**api-changed for GridCellFilter** - setCellFilter now returns CellFilterComponent - added getCellFilter to get CellFilterComponent - with api-change it's possible to prefill filters some minor improvements for i18n etc.

GridUtil version 2.1.0
- works now with vaadin 8.1 - great thanks to **hitchhiker-jiri** he has done a great job

GridUtil version 2.1.1
- support getValueProvider thx to @oguzakp - GridCellFilter without beanType thx to @Flamenco
