Grid - Vaadin Add-on Directory
Advanced filtering grid. Customizable on server side.Grid component implementation. It extends functionality of Vaadin Table by adding:
- advanced filtering
- paging
- grid data export to excel and csv
Grid supports the following operators for filtering by default:
Strings, Enums: contains, starts with, like, equal, not equal
Numbers and Dates: equal, not equal, between, greater, less, greater or equal, less or equal
Boolean: equal, not equal
Grid is a fundamental component for schedule optimization software for high schools and universities:
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Lexaden Repository
HomepageGrid version 1.6.0
Changes in version 1.6.0
Added support of Number fields.
Added a new BETWEEN filter operator.
Grid version 1.7.1
Updated to Vaadin 7 rc2 and small bug fixes
Grid version 1.7.3
Bugs fixing
Grid version 1.8.0
- bugs fixing
- added paging
- enum support by default
- export to csv
- migration to Vaadin 7.1.6
Grid version 1.8.1
Migration to Vaadin 7.1.9
PopupButton 2.3.0