
GraphTree for Vaadin - Vaadin Add-on Directory

Graph UI in Tree form(one way relationship) GraphTree for Vaadin - Vaadin Add-on Directory
It renders graph nodes in a tree form, top to bottom, handles only one way relationship. Features:- - Left Click listener on graph node. - Set Standard node properties, like color, opacity etc for every node - Set mouse tool tip (will be displayed on mouse hover) - Set Labels and type of nodes. Checkout example code in the highlights. Note: this is a javascript component and it uses jquery and raphel. If you are running vaadin version <=7.0.0.alpha3 use 0.0.1 version For Vaadin 7.0+ use 0.0.5 version For Vaadin 7.1+ use latest version
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GraphTree for Vaadin version 0.0.1
This Version is compatible with Vaadin 7.0.0.alpha3, for other versions > alpha3 use GraphTree Version 0.0.2

GraphTree for Vaadin version 0.0.3
This Version is to be used with vaadin-versions > 7.0.0.alpha3, i tested it with 7.0.5.

GraphTree for Vaadin version 0.0.4
Added more color options blue, purple, yellow, brown green and grey

GraphTree for Vaadin version 0.0.5
ability to change node size and set node properties (any color, opacity etc.)

GraphTree for Vaadin version 0.0.6
Minor Change: ability to change node label, You can change a node label, after it is created, also using vaadin 7.1.0 version

GraphTree for Vaadin version 0.0.7
Added getNode(), isNodePresent() methods support for setting icons, give any icon image url while adding the node(you can set icon width height, default is 16x16). you can put icon in you theme folder and use this url /VAADIN/themes/themename/img/icon.png