
GoogleMapWidgetV3 - Vaadin Add-on Directory

Google Map Widget API level 3 - Vaadin 6 GoogleMapWidgetV3 - Vaadin Add-on Directory
an easy to use widget to embed Google Map API lvl 3 in Vaadin 6 applications, since Google has discontinued its service on Map API lvl2. Based on former "GoogleMapWidget" (seems it's no more in this directory) You can deploy the jar on tomcat to see a working example. Features: - view map - drag - zoom - add/remove poi - add/remove polyline - customize/remove controls - info window - draw polygon - marker click/drag/animation
Source Code

GoogleMapWidgetV3 version 0.0.2
first commit

GoogleMapWidgetV3 version 0.0.3
now markers can be moved programmatically

GoogleMapWidgetV3 version 0.0.4
fixed anchors

GoogleMapWidgetV3 version 0.0.5
various bug fixed and support to API KEY changes. work in progress: google direction. It currently does not work but you will find some code inside.