
task-lists-element - Vaadin Add-on Directory

Drag and drop task list items. task-lists-element - Vaadin Add-on Directory
# <task-lists> element Drag and drop task list items. ## Installation ``` $ npm install --save @github/task-lists-element ``` ## Usage ```js import '@github/task-lists-element' ``` ```html
  • Hubot
  • Bender
  • BB-8
  • WALL-E
``` ## Events ```js const list = document.querySelector('task-lists') list.addEventListener('task-lists-check', function(event) { const {position, checked} = event.detail console.log(position, checked) }) list.addEventListener('task-lists-move', function(event) { const {src, dst} = event.detail console.log(src, dst) }) ``` ## Browser support Browsers without native [custom element support][support] require a [polyfill][]. - Chrome - Firefox - Safari - Microsoft Edge [support]: [polyfill]: ## Development ``` npm install npm test ``` ## License Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.