
GAEDatastoreContainers - Vaadin Add-on Directory

Vaadin framework for building Google App Engine (GAE) applications using the GAE datastore GAEDatastoreContainers - Vaadin Add-on Directory
This has become a full-featured framework for bridging the gap between Vaadin and Google App Engine (GAE) apps which use the GAE datastore. The standard relied upon is JDO. It started out as a special container for use in Vaadin tables that would seamlessly handle interactions with the datastore. The aim has now become to enable Vaadin-based GAE applications where the main work in building the application is defining the datastore Pojos (classes extending AbstractGAEPojo) used by the application. The included demo shows a simple application that allows adding, deleting, and editing a GAEPojo called SimpleBeanableClass. The code now includes a fair amount of documentation. In addition to the usual GAE related libraries (appengine, datanucleus, GWT, jdo2, and vaadin) it also uses commons-lang 2.5 (, and PasswordField-0.2.jar which are not included.

GAEDatastoreContainers version 1.0.0

GAEDatastoreContainers version 1.2.0
Added editing functionality in the GAETable. There's a right click menu that allows specifying a row to be editable. Any changes that are made can be saved (persisted) back to the datastore or canceled.

GAEDatastoreContainers version 2.0.0