FormBuilder - tool for build form through annotations in model class
-Using annotation to build form -Simple validation -Set fields width for all form -Can build couple forms basic on single object -Can build form with relation -Disable selected fields -List and multiselect -Build any Object extends com.vaadin.ui.AbstractComponent
Extension use default vaadin itembinder to bind object
More deep documentation and help on github
Sample code
@Override protected void init(VaadinRequest request) { final VerticalLayout layout = new VerticalLayout(); layout.setMargin(true); setContent(layout); //Create formbuilder object with empty User object FormBuilder<User> fb = new FormBuilder<User>(User.class, new User()); //Set field width for all fields fb.setFieldWidth(300, Unit.PIXELS); //Builds two separate forms through name HorizontalLayout hl = new HorizontalLayout(fb.buildForm(),fb.buildForm(FormName.COL2)); layout.addComponent(hl); layout.addComponent(new Button("Save",e->saveItem(fb))); //Add external listener for field ((TextField)fb.getField("street")).addValueChangeListener(e->eventChange(e)); //Set disabled fields and rebuild form fb.setDisableField(Arrays.asList("city")); fb.refreshForm(); } private void eventChange(ValueChangeEvent e) {"Street was change"); } private void saveItem(FormBuilder<User> fb) { if(fb.validAndCommit()){ User saved = fb.getItemDataSource();"Item was saved"); }else{"Fill form first"); } }
public class User { public User(){ Group(); //every object in form can't be null } @FormField @Nullable(message="Can not be empty",value=false) private String name; @FormField @Regex(message="must contains rr",regex=".*rr.*") @Nullable private String surname; @FormField private int age; @FormField private Date brithday; @FormField("Another field name") private BigDecimal price; @FormField(name="Discription",type=FieldType.TEXTAREA) private String discription; @FormField(name="password",disable=true) private String password; @FormField(name="Street",formName=FormName.COL2) private String street; @FormField(name="City",formName=FormName.COL2) private String city; @FormField(name="Code",formName=FormName.COL2) private String code; @InnerForm private Group group; private Group group2; /** Getters and Setters - must exists **/ }
public class Group { @FormField("group name") private String name; @FormField("description") private String description; public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { = name; } public String getDescription() { return description; } public void setDescription(String description) { this.description = description; } }
public class Form{ @FormField(value="Group select",componentClass=GroupListSelectGroup.class) private Group group; public Group getGroup() { return group; } public void setGroup(Group group) { = group; } } public class GroupListSelectGroup extends ComboBox{ public GroupListSelectGroup() { super("Grupy", createExampleDataSource()); setItemCaptionPropertyId("NAME"); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static Container createExampleDataSource() { Container ct = new IndexedContainer(); ct.addContainerProperty("NAME", String.class, ""); Group c = new Group(1l,"First"); Item it = ct.addItem(c); it.getItemProperty("NAME").setValue(c.getDescription()); Group cc = new Group(2l,"Second"); it = ct.addItem(cc); it.getItemProperty("NAME").setValue(cc.getDescription()); return ct; } }
public class Form{ @FormField(value="grupy",componentClass=GroupListSelectLong.class) private Set<Long> groupIds; public Set<Long> getGroupId() { return groupId; } public void setGroupId(Set<Long> groupId) { this.groupId = groupId; } } public class GroupListSelectLong extends ListSelect{ public GroupListSelectLong() { super("Grupy", createDataSource()); setItemCaptionPropertyId("NAME"); setMultiSelect(true); } private static Container createDataSource() { Container ct = new IndexedContainer(); ct.addContainerProperty("NAME", String.class, ""); Group c = new Group(1l,"First"); Item it = ct.addItem(c.getId()); it.getItemProperty("NAME").setValue(c.getDescription()); Group cc = new Group(2l,"Second"); it = ct.addItem(cc.getId()); it.getItemProperty("NAME").setValue(cc.getDescription()); return ct; } }
FormBuilder<User> fb = new FormBuilder<User>(User.class, new User()); layout.addComponent(fb.buildForm());
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- Add new construct to class FormBuilder with param boolean called superClass. This provides creating fields from parent class.
- Fixed bug with creating InnerForm in layer deeper than 2
- Released
- 2016-07-14
- Maturity
- License
- Apache License 2.0
- Framework
- Vaadin 7.0+
- Browser
- Browser Independent
FormBuilders - Vaadin Add-on Directory
FormBuilder - tool for build form through annotations in model classIssue Tracker
Source Code
FormBuilders version 1.0.1
FormBuilders version 1.0.2
-Add auto build any component extends Field. ListSelect, ComboBox etc.
-Config width for sinlge fields
FormBuilders version 1.0.4
-Fixed widgestes compilation bug from version 1.0.3.
-Use name for component from annotation as primary
FormBuilders version 1.0.5
- Add new construct to class FormBuilder with param boolean called superClass.
This provides creating fields from parent class.
- Fixed bug with creating InnerForm in layer deeper than 2