
text-input - Vaadin Add-on Directory

input for text text-input - Vaadin Add-on Directory
[![Published on NPM](]( [![Published on](]( _[API & Demo]( ## \ An input for text values. ### Motivation The normal `input` with `type="text"` is fairly good to use, but it has some flaws, because it should if wanted e.g.: * guarantee **live**-value to be valid * to be styled easily * auto resize on input ### Example ```html


pattern: ^#(?:[A-Fa-f0-9]{6}|[A-Fa-f0-9]{3})$

input: [[input]]

value: [[value]]

``` ### Styling Have a look at [input-picker-pattern#input-shared-style]( to see how to style the element. ### Installation ``` npm i @fooloomanzoo/text-input ``` ### License [MIT](