
datetime-input - Vaadin Add-on Directory

an input for date and time datetime-input - Vaadin Add-on Directory
[![Published on NPM](]( [![Published on](]( _[API & Demo]( ## \ An input for date and time. If you are looking for a picker for date and time, please have a look at [datetime-picker]( ### Example ```html with timezone

datetime: [[datetime]]
date: [[date]]
time: [[time]]
value: [[value]]

``` #### Use locale date formats The properties `date`, `time`, `datetime` are always in **iso8061** but the visualization will be localized. By default your locale date format from `window.navigator.language` will be used, but you can select another *locale*: ```html


hour12 format

datetime: [[datetime]]

``` ### Styling Have a look at [input-picker-pattern#input-shared-style]( to see how to style the element. ### Installation ``` npm i @fooloomanzoo/datetime-input ``` ### License [MIT](