ExcelImportTable - Vaadin Add-on Directory
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ExcelImportTable version 1.0.0
This version of the function:
1. Import single meter excel file data to the matching meter Table
2. Import single meter excel file header data to the blank Table
ExcelImportTable version 1.1.0
Version -1.1.0 - (2012-11-29):
1. Added import data type [strong detection] [weak conversion (for Integer and Double)
(If the Table contains the header obtain the type of header do match DealHeader class)
1.1 new warning: type conversion exceptional circumstances : Integer-> Double
1.2 new warning: type conversion exceptional circumstances : Any Type-> String
2. new Excel file import data types: Date
3. Refinement Excel file import data type NUMERIC: Integer, Double
4. Multi-line table entry
5. new header name repeated error detection
6. Detection error can input
6.1.excel types of data entry (by example)
6.1.1 date: [2012/8/8], [2012/11/12 22:22:22]
6.1.2 double: [18.0000000000001], [19.42747469]
6.1.3 int: [1], [0], [-1], [14], [65536], [999999], [-999999]
6.1.4 string: [Aaa] [Bbb] [Chinese of (The ZH_CN)]
6.1.5 boolean: [FALSE] [TRUE]
6.1.6 FORMULA: []
6.1.7 BLANK: []
6.1.8 ERROR: []
7. Updated complete Application test case code
Version -1.0.0 - (2012-11-14):
1.Import one-line header ex