Enhanced Grid
This component is an extended version of Grid with integrated complex filtering and other features
This component is an extended version of Grid to add support to the following features:
set a predicate to indicate which rows/items can be selected
set a predicate to indicate which rows/items can be edited
check if a item is editable
edit an item and cancel the edit
set a flag to indicate if a cancel edit confirmation dialog should be display if user navigates away from current editing row
Each column can define a filter field/dialog through
EnhancedColumn#setHeader(String, HasValueAndElement)
EnhancedColumn#setHeader(Component, HasValueAndElement)
Sponsored development
Major pieces of development of this add-on has been sponsored by multiple customers of Vaadin. Read more about Expert on Demand at: Support and Pricing
Sample code
// create grid EnhancedGrid<Person> grid = new EnhancedGrid<>(); // set selection predicate to indicate which items can be selected grid.setSelectionPredicate(p -> p.getAge() > 18); // set items grid.setItems(personService.fetchAll()); // add columns // first name column with filtering button on header EnhancedColumn<Person> firstNameColumn = grid.addColumn(Person::getFirstName).setHeader("First Name", new TextFilterField()); // last name column with filtering button and pre-selected filter by last name = "Allen" grid.addColumn(Person::getLastName).setHeader("Last Name", new TextFilterField(new TextFieldFilterDto("Allen"))); // age column with renderer NumberRenderer<Person> ageRenderer = new NumberRenderer<Person>(Person::getAge, "Age: %d"); EnhancedColumn<Person> ageColumn = grid.addColumn(ageRenderer, PersonSort.AGE).setHeader("Age", new TextFilterField()); ageColumn.setValueProvider(p -> String.valueOf(p.getAge())); // add pre-selected descendent order for first name column List<GridSortOrder<Person>> sortByFirstName = new GridSortOrderBuilder<Person>() .thenDesc(firstNameColumn).build(); grid.sort(sortByFirstName); // set selection mode grid.setSelectionMode(Grid.SelectionMode.SINGLE); // can pre-select items grid.select(personList.get(0)); // set editable predicate to indicate which items can be edited grid.setEditablePredicate(p -> p.getAge() > 18); // add binder and editor for grid Binder<Person> binder = new Binder<>(Person.class); Editor<Person> editor = grid.getEditor(); editor.setBinder(binder); editor.setBuffered(true); // define editor components for columns TextField firstNameField = new TextField(); binder.bind(firstNameField, Person::getFirstName, Person::setFirstName); firstNameColumn.setEditorComponent(firstNameField); // call edit grid.addItemDoubleClickListener(event -> { grid.editItem(event.getItem()); firstNameField.focus(); });
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Bug fixes:
- add support for Vaadin 23.3.x
- fix EnhancedTreeGrid broken state on refresh
- Released
- 2023-01-18
- Maturity
- License
- Apache License 2.0
- Framework
- Vaadin 23
- Vaadin 24.5 in 5.0.1
- Vaadin 24 in 4.0.1
- Vaadin 22 in 2.0.1
- Vaadin 21 in 2.0.1
- Vaadin 14 in 0.9.1
- Browser
- Firefox
- Google Chrome
Enhanced Grid - Vaadin Add-on Directory
This component is an extended version of Grid with integrated complex filtering and other featuresView on GitHub
Enhanced Grid version 0.4.0
### Version 0.4.0
- First release for testing and feedback
Enhanced Grid version 0.5.0
### 0.5.0
- Fix to deselection event not fired
- Add a way to apply filter without having to click on apply button
- Other small improvements in EnhancedColumn class
- Use newer Popup version
Enhanced Grid version 0.6.0
### Version 0.6.0
- Fix wrong displayed of filter & sorting buttons on header columns after refresh.
Enhanced Grid version 0.7.0
### Version 0.7.0
- Fix resizing issue by adding new enhanced-grid-sorter element to add filter button at the same level as sorting indicators
- Fix filter problem when column value provider is not string based
Enhanced Grid version 0.8.0
### Version 0.8.0
- Make cancelEditItem method protected
Enhanced Grid version 0.9.0
### Version 0.9.0
- Fix issue with missing filter icon
Enhanced Grid version 0.9.1
### Bugfixes
* Fix client side sorting indicator issue ([#8](https://github.com/vaadin-component-factory/enhanced-grid-flow/issues/8))
Enhanced Grid version 2.0.0
### Version 2.0.0
- Fix compatibility with Vaadin 22 and newer
Enhanced Grid version 2.0.1
### Bug fixes:
* add null check on addGridSorter to avoid breaking on Vaadin 23 (fixes[#13](https://github.com/vaadin-component-factory/enhanced-grid-flow/issues/13))
Enhanced Grid version 3.0.0
Fix compatibility with Vaadin 23 ([#15](https://github.com/vaadin-component-factory/enhanced-grid-flow/issues/15)).
Enhanced Grid version 3.0.1
#### Bug fixes:
* Fix ClassNameGenerator to allow to return null ([#17](https://github.com/vaadin-component-factory/enhanced-grid-flow/issues/17))
* Fix item selection on multiselection mode ([#18](https://github.com/vaadin-component-factory/enhanced-grid-flow/issues/18))
Enhanced Grid version 3.1.0
#### New features:
* feat: make EnhancedColumn.getFilter public
* feat: make EnhancedColumn.getValueProvider public
* feat: add default theme attribute to the popup
* feat: add possibility to replace filter icon
Enhanced Grid version 3.2.0
#### Bug fixes:
* add support for Vaadin 23.3.x
* fix EnhancedTreeGrid broken state on refresh
Enhanced Grid version 4.0.0
New version compatible with Vaadin 24.
Enhanced Grid version 4.0.1
Fixes issue with header components not being restored when using @PreserveOnRefresh
Enhanced Grid version 5.0.0
New version compatible with Vaadin 24.5. Replaces popup component with popover component.
Enhanced Grid version 5.0.1
#### Bug fixes:
* Update columns headers on attach ([#43](https://github.com/vaadin-component-factory/enhanced-grid-flow/issues/43))