
Embed for Vaadin - Vaadin Add-on Directory

Run your Vaadin applications in an embedded server Embed for Vaadin - Vaadin Add-on Directory
Embed for Vaadin is a library allowing you to quickly initialize Vaadin from your IDE. It provides an easy-to-use API to initialize an embed Tomcat container running a particular component or Vaadin application. The API also allows you to open the default browser automatically and allocates an available HTTP port if none is provided. The API is extensible so that you can suit it you to your own needs. This add-on works best when used with a build tool such as Maven as it requires Tomcat to operate. Make sure to add this dependency in scope "test" or make it optional such as these libraries do not get transmitted in your project. The add-on is available on the central repository so you don't need to configure an extra repository for it. To use this add-on with Vaadin 6, please use: com.bsb.common.vaadin com.bsb.common.vaadin.embed 0.5 For Vaadin 7, please use: com.bsb.common.vaadin com.bsb.common.vaadin7.embed 0.6 There is also a simple archetype to quickly get you started. For more information, have look to the documentation.
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Embed for Vaadin version 0.1
Initial release.

Embed for Vaadin version 0.2
- Custom WidgetSet can be specified - Clearer separation between an embed server deploying a single component and one deploying a full application - Development header: ability to shutdown the server and close the tab from the user interface - Improved browser support - A custom implementation can now expose a custom properties configuration more easily

Embed for Vaadin version 0.3
- Support of Vaadin production mode - The development header is no longer added by default. Added an option to enable it - Context path is handled the same when it is specifies through the API or loaded from a properties file - EmbedVaadinConfig now exposes the deploy URL of the application. This takes into account the actual port that was allocated once the server has started - Wrong startup log when a custom HTTP port is specified

Embed for Vaadin version 0.4
#8: Initial support of Vaadin 7 #7: customization of the url to use when opening the browser #6: added simple Maven archetype

Embed for Vaadin version 0.5
#15: Fixed development header that was enabled by default while doc states it is optional #14: Updated to Tomcat 7.0.32 #13: Updated to Vaadin 7 beta3 #11: Updated to Vaadin 7 beta2 #10: Updated to Vaadin 6.8.0. Work around a binary incompatible change made in that Vaadin version

Embed for Vaadin version 0.6
Fixed compatibility with Vaadin 7.1+