Embed for Vaadin - Vaadin Add-on Directory
Run your Vaadin applications in an embedded serverIssue Tracker
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Embed for Vaadin version 0.1
Initial release.
Embed for Vaadin version 0.2
- Custom WidgetSet can be specified
- Clearer separation between an embed server deploying a single component and one deploying a full application
- Development header: ability to shutdown the server and close the tab from the user interface
- Improved browser support
- A custom implementation can now expose a custom properties configuration more easily
Embed for Vaadin version 0.3
- Support of Vaadin production mode
- The development header is no longer added by default. Added an option to enable it
- Context path is handled the same when it is specifies through the API or loaded from a properties file
- EmbedVaadinConfig now exposes the deploy URL of the application. This takes into account the actual port that was allocated once the server has started
- Wrong startup log when a custom HTTP port is specified
Embed for Vaadin version 0.4
#8: Initial support of Vaadin 7
#7: customization of the url to use when opening the browser
#6: added simple Maven archetype
Embed for Vaadin version 0.5
#15: Fixed development header that was enabled by default while doc states it is optional
#14: Updated to Tomcat 7.0.32
#13: Updated to Vaadin 7 beta3
#11: Updated to Vaadin 7 beta2
#10: Updated to Vaadin 6.8.0. Work around a binary incompatible change made in that Vaadin version
Embed for Vaadin version 0.6
Fixed compatibility with Vaadin 7.1+