
paper-autocomplete - Vaadin Add-on Directory

Polymer Autocomplete Component paper-autocomplete - Vaadin Add-on Directory
**[ This description is mirrored from at []( on 2019-05-22 ]** # paper-autocomplete > Autocomplete component compatible with Polymer 1.x and 2.x [![Published on](]( [![Sauce Test Status](]( `paper-autocomplete` extends earlier efforts such as this []( to provide keyboard support, remote binding and results scrolling. # About Polymer 1.x and 2.x Compatibility From version `3.x.x`, this component work with both Polymer 1.7+ or Polymer 2.0+ Please take a look to the [](./ file that contains more information. # Installation ``` bash bower install paper-autocomplete ``` # Usage ```html ``` # Demo and Docs **Important: The demos only work with browers which are ES2015/ES6 compatible.**. This component is compatible with older browsers as well, but the code need to be transpiled to ES5. `polymer build` and `polymer serve` can do that for you. This code from this page is not transpiled. # Want to contribute? Check out our [Contributing guide](./! # For Developers ## Getting Started Clone the repository and run: `npm install` ## How to run the project You just need ## How to run the project with Polymer 1.x and Polymer 2 This component runs in Polymer hybrid mode, that means it can run in a Polymer 1.x or Polymer 2.x app. ``` npm run variants ``` After running this command, it will open two different ports in the dev browser with Polymer 1.x and Polymer 2.x ## How to run the tests ### Localy In order to run the tests you have two option. You can either run: ``` npm run test ``` ### Remote (in Saucelabs) ``` npm run test:remote ``` > You must set these two environment variables: `SAUCE_USERNAME` and `SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY` before running remote tests. ## How to *lint* the project ``` npm run lint ```