Dotted worldmap with animated highlights a.k.a eyecandy
DotMap is a component for highlighting points of interest on a dotted worldmap.
Note: this is "eyecandy", please see the demo to get the point - and perhaps get some inspiration ;-)
Any image can be used as highlight, either displayed as if 'shining trough' the dots or appearing on top of them, and slowly (configurable) fades away.
The map image can also be customized, as long as it's a Mercator projection.
Intended for showing geo-coded data; the highlights are placed using latitude/longitude.
Sample code
class DotmapWindow extends Window { public DotmapWindow(String caption) { super(caption); // just to get a nice default look for the window getContent().setStyleName("black"); getContent().setHeight("100%"); final DotMap map = new DotMap(); map.setTopCrop(87); // I've left out some stuff at the top on my map addComponent(map); // Controls follow HorizontalLayout hz = new HorizontalLayout(); addComponent(hz); // Button that shows 5 random highlights Button b = new Button("5 random", new Button.ClickListener() { public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { double lat = Math.random() * 180 - 90; double lon = Math.random() * 360 - 180; map.showHighlight(lat, lon); } } }); b .setDescription("Shows 5 random highlights using the currently selected hightlight image<br/>Shown under the dotmap and will obviously will not show if they end up in the water."); hz.addComponent(b); // allow dot color change, freely=allowNewItems ComboBox cb = new ComboBox(); cb.setDescription("Dot color; set freely"); cb.setNullSelectionAllowed(false); cb.setWidth("7em"); cb.setImmediate(true); cb.setNewItemsAllowed(true); cb.addItem("#000"); cb.addItem("#444"); cb.addItem("#00b4f0"); cb.addItem("#ee7c08"); cb.addItem("#40b527"); cb.addListener(new ValueChangeListener() { public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) { map.setDotColor((String) event.getProperty().getValue()); } }); cb.setValue(map.getDotColor()); hz.addComponent(cb); // allow highlight image change (preconfigured) cb = new ComboBox(); cb.setDescription("Highlight image (preconfigured)"); cb.setNullSelectionAllowed(false); cb.setWidth("7em"); cb.setImmediate(true); cb.setNewItemsAllowed(false); cb.addItem("red"); cb.addItem("green"); cb.addItem("blue"); cb.addItem("orange"); cb.addItem("black"); cb.addItem("white"); cb.addListener(new ValueChangeListener() { public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) { map.setHighlightImage(new ThemeResource(event.getProperty() .getValue() + ".png")); } }); cb.setValue("red"); hz.addComponent(cb); // allow fade time change cb = new ComboBox(); cb.setDescription("Fade time in msec"); cb.setNullSelectionAllowed(false); cb.setWidth("7em"); cb.setImmediate(true); cb.setNewItemsAllowed(false); cb.addItem(300); cb.addItem(3000); cb.addItem(10000); cb.addItem(99999); cb.addListener(new ValueChangeListener() { public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) { map.setFadeMsec((Integer) event.getProperty().getValue()); } }); cb.setValue(3000); hz.addComponent(cb); // Button that shows a custom highlight _over_ the map for 10 // seconds b = new Button("Vaadin }>", new Button.ClickListener() { public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { map.showHighlight(new Highlight(60.452647, 22.291903, new ThemeResource("vaadin.png"), 10000, VDotMap.ZINDEX_OVER)); } }); b .setDescription("Shows the Vaadin }> logo on top of the map for 10 sec."); hz.addComponent(b); } }
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Updated to work with Vaadin 7
- Released
- 2012-04-13
- Maturity
- License
- Apache License 2.0
- Framework
- Vaadin 7.0+
- Vaadin 6.0+ in 0.9.1
- Browser
- Internet Explorer
- Internet Explorer
- Internet Explorer
- Firefox
- Opera
- Safari
- Google Chrome
DotMap - Vaadin Add-on Directory
Dotted worldmap with animated highlights a.k.a eyecandySource Code
DotMap version 0.9
First release.
- no built in support for transparent PNGs in IE - check if your PNG looks ok
DotMap version 0.9.1
Default images (map, highlight) should now work out-of-the-box + one minor fix.
DotMap version 7.0.0
Updated to work with Vaadin 7