
Declarative UI for Vaadin Flow - Vaadin Add-on Directory

Declarative UI for Vaadin Flow Declarative UI for Vaadin Flow - Vaadin Add-on Directory
This is basically Vaadin-8-style Declarative UI for Vaadin Flow. The goal is to externalize the layout of the components in your application and have it as much more readable HTML/XML instead of cluttering up your Java code. It's completely interpreted and converted to a Component-tree on the server-side. Support for additional components and attributes can be added quite easily. The add-on comes with built-in support for Spring Boot to pick up custom `ComponentFactory` and `ComponentPostProcessor` beans. **For more details on why or how to use this add-on, please see the [project page]( and/or take a look at the [source code of the demo application](** See the Links section for add-ons that try to solve the same problem, albeit in completely different ways. For Vaadin 14 support, see versions 0.x.