# DeckDeckGo - Charts
Create a lightweight presentation using Web Components.
[DeckDeckGo] let you create without effort your slides and allows you to add some extra interactive features with the help of the [Ionic](https://ionicframework.com) components.
For the editing, [DeckDeckGo] supports both HTML or Markdown.
Moreover, [DeckDeckGo] bundles your presentation with services workers letting you publish it online as a Progressive Web App.
Cherry on the cake �� [DeckDeckGo] comes with its [Progressive Web App](https://deckdeckgo.app) that allows you to remote control your presentation �
## Table of contents
- [Charts](#charts)
- [Getting Started](#getting-started)
- [Using DeckDeckGo Charts from a CDN](#using-deckdeckgo-charts-from-a-cdn)
- [Install DeckDeckGo Charts from npm](#install-deckdeckgo-charts-from-npm)
- [Framework integration](#framework-integration)
- [Showcase](#showcase)
- [Pie](#pie)
- [Donut](#donut)
- [Compare two graphs](#compare-two-graphs)
- [Line and area](#line-and-area)
- [Compare two lines and smoothing effect](#compare-two-lines-and-smoothing-effect)
- [Compare two lines and display a grid](#compare-two-lines-and-display-a-grid)
- [Bar](#bar)
- [Compare multiple bars](#compare-multiple-bars)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Pie usage](#pie-usage)
- [Line usage](#line-usage)
- [Bar usage](#bar-usage)
- [License](#license)
## Charts
This project has for goal to let you easily add charts to your [DeckDeckGo] presentation.
To create and draw the charts, this project is using [D3js](https://d3js.org).
However, this Web Component could be use with or without [DeckDeckGo] respectively could be use as a plotter library in any web projects.
## Getting Started
The [DeckDeckGo] charts Web Component could be use directly in your project from a CDN, using a simple script include, or could be installed from [npm](https://www.npmjs.com/package/deckdeckgo-charts).
### Using DeckDeckGo charts from a CDN
It's recommended to use [unpkg](https://unpkg.com/) to use the [DeckDeckGo] charts from a CDN. To do so, add the following include script in the main HTML file of your project:
### Install DeckDeckGo charts from NPM
Install [DeckDeckGo] charts in your project from [npm](https://www.npmjs.com/package/deckdeckgo-charts) using the following command:
npm install deckdeckgo-charts
### Framework integration
The [Stencil documentation](https://stenciljs.com/docs/overview) provide examples of framework integration for [Angular](https://stenciljs.com/docs/angular), [React](https://stenciljs.com/docs/react), [Vue](https://stenciljs.com/docs/vue) and [Ember](https://stenciljs.com/docs/ember).
## Showcase
The following examples are the one provided in the [src/index.html](src/index.html) of this component. If you would like to run them locally, proceed as follow:
git clone https://github.com/deckgo/deckdeckgo-charts
cd deckdeckgo-charts
npm install
npm run start
### Pie
### Donut
### Compare two graphs
### Line and area
### Compare two lines and smoothing effect
### Compare two lines and display a grid
### Bar
### Compare multiple bars
## Usage
The main idea behind the [DeckDeckGo] charts is to be able to drop a **csv** file, provide it to the component and let it do the job respectively draw the chart.
### Pie usage
The `
` Web Component draw a Pie chart.
#### CSV
The csv file should contains one or two columns. The values could be provided as `number` or `percent`.
##### Single column
If a single column is used, it should contains the values.
##### Two columns
If two columns are provided, the first column should contains the description of the value.
Landfill Gas;15.67%
Qualified Hydropower;6.93%
#### Properties
The `
` expose the following properties:
| Property | Attribute | Mandatory | Description | Type | Default |
| ------------- | -------------- | --------- |----------- | ----------------------- | ----------- |
| `src` | `src` | X | The path to the source file of the data | `string` | |
| `width` | `width` | X | The width of the chart | `number` | |
| `height` | `height` | X | The height of the chart | `number` | |
| `innerRadius` | `inner-radius` | | To plot a `donut` instead of a `pie`, provide an inner radius | `number` | `0` |
| `range` | `range` | | A list of custom colors which should be to draw the chart | `string[]` | |
| `separator` | `separator` | | The line separator use in your csv file | `string` | `';'` |
#### Styling
The `
` could be styled using the following CSS4 variables:
| CSS4 variable | Default | Note |
| -------------------------- |:-----------------:|:-----------------:|
| --deckgo-chart-text-color | | The color of the labels |
| --deckgo-chart-text-display | | The display property of the labels |
| --deckgo-chart-path-stroke | | The stroke property of the pie, in case you would like to display a line between the slices |
#### Methods
The `
` expose the following method in case you would like to redraw your chart, for example on resize of the window:
draw() => Promise
#### Examples
You could find other examples of pie charts in the [src/index.html](src/index.html) of the project.
### Line usage
The `` Web Component draw a line chart.
#### CSV
The csv file should contains two or three columns.
The first column contains the values for the `x` axis. These should be provided as `date` or `number`.
The second and third columns contains the values for the `y` axis. These should be provided as `number`.
##### Two columns
With dates as `x` axis:
With numbers as `x` axis:
##### Three columns
The third columns is optional, it could be use in case you would like to plot two charts on the same graph.
With dates as `x` axis:
With numbers as `x` axis:
#### Properties
The `` expose the following properties:
| Property | Attribute | Mandatory | Description | Type | Default |
| -------------- | --------------- | --------- | ----------- | --------- | ----------------------------------- |
| `src` | `src` | X | The path to the source file of the data | `string` | |
| `width` | `width` | X | The width of the chart | `number` | |
| `height` | `height` | X | The height of the chart | `number` | |
| `marginBottom` | `margin-bottom` | | The margin bottom of the chart in pixel | `number` | `32` |
| `marginLeft` | `margin-left` | | The margin left of the chart in pixel | `number` | `32` |
| `marginRight` | `margin-right` | | The margin right of the chart in pixel | `number` | `32` |
| `marginTop` | `margin-top` | | The margin top of the chart in pixel | `number` | `32` |
| `datePattern` | `date-pattern` | | In case the `x` are made of dates, the pattern to be use to parse the dates. Have a look to [date-fns](https://date-fns.org/v2.0.0-alpha.26/docs/parse) for a list of the supported format. | `string` | `'yyyy-MM-dd'` |
| `yAxisDomain` | `y-axis-domain` | | Should the `y` axis plot the values from `0` to `max` or be extended (use `extent`) to cover all values | `string` | `max` |
| `smooth` | `smooth` | | Draw a smooth line or a line with edges | `boolean` | `true` |
| `area` | `area` | | Draw the area or just a line | `boolean` | `true` |
| `ticks` | `ticks` | | Specify the ticks of the axis | `number` | `` |
| `grid` | `grid` | | Draw a grid behin the graph | `boolean` | `false` |
| `separator` | `separator` | | The line separator use in your csv file | `string` | `';'` |
#### Styling
The `` could be styled using the following CSS4 variables:
| CSS4 variable | Default | Note |
| -------------------------- |:-----------------:|:-----------------:|
| --deckgo-chart-axis-color | black | The color of the axis |
| --deckgo-chart-text-color | | The color of the labels |
| --deckgo-chart-text-display | | The display property of the labels |
| --deckgo-chart-fill-color | #3880ff | The fill color of the area of the main chart |
| --deckgo-chart-fill-opacity | | The opacity of the area of the main chart |
| --deckgo-chart-stroke | | The stroke of the area of the main chart |
| --deckgo-chart-stroke-width | | The stroke width of the area of the main chart |
| --deckgo-chart-compare-fill-color | #0cd1e8 | The fill color of the area of the chart to compare |
| --deckgo-chart-compare-fill-opacity | 0.7 | The opacity of the area of the chart to compare |
| --deckgo-chart-compare-stroke | | The stroke of the area of the chart to compare |
| --deckgo-chart-compare-stroke-width | | The stroke width of the area of the chart to compare |
| --deckgo-chart-grid-stroke | #989aa2 | The stroke of the grid |
| --deckgo-chart-grid-stroke-opacity | 0.7 | The stroke opacity of the grid |
#### Methods
The `` expose the following method in case you would like to redraw your chart, for example on resize of the window:
draw() => Promise
#### Examples
You could find other examples of line charts in the [src/index.html](src/index.html) of the project.
### Bar usage
The `` Web Component draw a Bar chart.
#### CSV
The csv file should contains at lest two columns. The values could be provided as `number` or `percent`.
##### Multiple columns
The first column should contains the labels or groups used for the X axis. The other columns are the values use for the Y axis.
Group A;5;0;10
Group B;10;6;12
Group C;8;14;8
Group D;14;8;16
Group E;18;4;5
#### Properties
The `` expose the following properties:
| Property | Attribute | Mandatory | Description | Type | Default |
| -------------- | --------------- | --------- | ----------- | --------- | ----------------------------------- |
| `src` | `src` | X | The path to the source file of the data | `string` | |
| `width` | `width` | X | The width of the chart | `number` | |
| `height` | `height` | X | The height of the chart | `number` | |
| `marginBottom` | `margin-bottom` | | The margin bottom of the chart in pixel | `number` | `32` |
| `marginLeft` | `margin-left` | | The margin left of the chart in pixel | `number` | `32` |
| `marginRight` | `margin-right` | | The margin right of the chart in pixel | `number` | `32` |
| `marginTop` | `margin-top` | | The margin top of the chart in pixel | `number` | `32` |
| `separator` | `separator` | | The line separator use in your csv file | `string` | `';'` |
#### Styling
The `` could be styled using the following CSS4 variables:
| CSS4 variable | Default | Note |
| -------------------------- |:-----------------:|:-----------------:|
| --deckgo-chart-axis-color | black | The color of the axis |
Furthermore, as the Bar chart could draw dynamically multiple bars, it will generate dynamically the following CSS4 variable for each series of data where `X` is an index between `1` and the number of bars.
| CSS4 variable | Default | Note |
| -------------------------- |:-----------------:|:-----------------:|
| --deckgo-chart-text-color | | The color of the labels |
| --deckgo-chart-text-display | | The display property of the labels |
| --deckgo-chart-fill-color-barX | | The fill color of the bar chart identified with index `X` |
| --deckgo-chart-fill-opacity-baxX | | The opacity of the bar chart identified with index `X` |
| --deckgo-chart-stroke-barX | | The stroke of the bar chart identified with index `X` |
| --deckgo-chart-stroke-width-barX | | The stroke width of the chart identified with index `X` |
#### Methods
The `` expose the following method in case you would like to redraw your chart, for example on resize of the window:
draw() => Promise
#### Examples
You could find other examples of bar charts in the [src/index.html](src/index.html) of the project.
## License
MIT © [David Dal Busco](mailto:david.dalbusco@outlook.com)
[DeckDeckGo]: https://deckdeckgo.com