grain-responsive-behavior - Vaadin Add-on Directory
(no summary available)
**[ This description is mirrored from at []( on 2019-05-10 ]**
[![Polymer Version](](
# \
Every element implementing this behavior do get an attribute for is-mobile, is-tablet, is-desktop when you resize the window.
You can use this information to change styles and/or attributes depending on it.
## Installation
$ bower install --save daKmoR/grain-responsive-behavior
## Getting Started
Import the package.
Create your element using this behavior. You can now access is-mobile, is-tablet, is-desktop.
class GrainResponsiveBehaviorExample extends GrainResponsiveBehavior(Polymer.Element) {
// your code
If you wish to have an responsive attribute you should create 3 attributes foo, mobileFoo, tabletFoo and init the Behavior with `this.initResponsiveBehaviorFor('foo');
class GrainResponsiveBehaviorExample extends GrainResponsiveBehavior(Polymer.Element) {
static get is() { return 'grain-responsive-behavior-example' }
static get properties() {
return {
marked: {
type: String,
reflectToAttribute: true,
value: 'false', // 'true', 'false'
mobileMarked: { type: String, reflectToAttribute: true },
tabletMarked: { type: String, reflectToAttribute: true },
constructor() {
*For more information, see the API documentation.*
## Working on the Element
First, make sure you have the [Polymer CLI]( installed.
* View the Element via `polymer serve`
* Run tests via `polymer test`
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grain-responsive-behavior version 0.8.0
### Dependencies
grain-responsive-behavior version 0.8.1
### Dependencies
Polymer/polymer#>=2.0.0-rc.2 <3.0