spinners - Vaadin Add-on Directory
set of spinners[![Published on Vaadin Directory](https://img.shields.io/badge/Vaadin%20Directory-published-00b4f0.svg)](https://vaadin.com/directory/component/dacelislspinners)
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# \
## Description.
varied set of spinners, you can choose any of the 10 types and additional you can edit the color, the time of activity and visibility.
Use `visible` to show the spinner:
## Installation
`npm install spinner-element"@0.0.4" --save`
## Polymer Element to display a spinner
the polymer element shows a spinner, which we can select any of the 10 types, (default, bars, bubbles, circles, ripple, dots, folding, cube, bounce, infinity) but the type of spinner is specified, it will show the type 'default ', to activate it requires the' visible 'property
optionally we can set the activity time in milliseconds, if it is not set by default it is infinite
![Screenshot of confirm-element](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Dacelisl/spinners/master/spinner-element.gif)
## Styling
The following custom properties are available for styling
Custom property | Description | Default
--background-color-spinner | The spinner-element background-color | #b9b5b524
--background-border-infinity | background-color only for infinite spinner | #5d535314
--background-center-infinity | background-color only for infinite spinner | #ffffff00
## Usage
### In an html file
### In a Polymer 3 element
import {PolymerElement, html} from '@polymer/polymer';
import '.././spinner/spinner-element.js';
class SampleElement extends PolymerElement {
static get template() {
return html`
customElements.define('sample-element', SampleElement);
## Credits
This repository is based on the CSS code of https://github.com/tobiasahlin/SpinKit
You can also see a sample of the spinners in action http://tobiasahlin.com/spinkit/
View on GitHubView on NPM
spinners version 0.0.1
### Dependencies
* @polymer/iron-meta#^3.0.1
* @polymer/polymer#^3.0.0
spinners version 0.0.2
### Dependencies
* @polymer/iron-meta#^3.0.1
* @polymer/polymer#^3.0.0
spinners version 0.0.3
### Dependencies
* @polymer/iron-meta#^3.0.1
* @polymer/polymer#^3.0.0
spinners version 0.0.4
### Dependencies
* @polymer/iron-meta#^3.0.1
* @polymer/paper-item#^3.0.1
* @polymer/paper-listbox#^3.0.1
* @polymer/polymer#^3.0.0