progressive-img - Vaadin Add-on Directory
Custom element - like img, but progressive and lazy.# Custom element <progressive-img>
Custom element (written in Polymer) to load img progressively
and lazily. It first shows tiny blurred placeholder and
loads full-sized image afterwards. It can also defer loading
until placeholder is clicked or enters viewport.
## [Demo](demo/index.html)
## Basic usage
You basically take all your <img> tags, change them to
<progressive-img> and add placeholder attribute. It will
display a blurred placeholder and load src/srcset after being clicked.
## Load strategy
Load strategy controls when image starts loading.
There are 3 options:
| Load strategy | Behavior |
| --------------- | -------- |
| instant | image will start loading immediately |
| on-visible | image will load if is visible or when enters viewport |
Clicking the placeholder will always trigger image loading
no matter what. You can completely leave out load-strategy
if that's all you need.
## Intersection margin
Intersection margin only takes effect if `load-strategy="on-visible"`
is set. Default value is **200px**, so image will trigger loading
when enters 200px wide area around viewport.
![intersection margin](readme/load-threshold.svg)
For this effect, progressive-img uses intersectionObserver API.
Here you can read more about how it works:
- [Google dev docs](
- [Arnelle Balane's medium blog post](
- [Mozilla docs](
intersection-margin attribute is assigned to rootMargin
of intersection observer, so you can use any
[valid value of rootMargin](
## IntersectionObserver Polyfill
If you need to use `load-strategy=on-visible` in [browsers that don't currently
support intersection API](,
you can just include official polyfill:,
it's one liner.
## What about browsers with disabled javascript?
Without js, progressive-img can't load. Which is great
because you can easily create fallback:
## Styling
progressive-img uses 4 CSS custom properties to customize the appearance.
| CSS property | description |
| --------------- | ----------- |
| --placeholder-filter | Filter applied to placeholder image. Defaults to `blur(10px) saturate(1.2)` |
| --placeholder-scale | Transform scale value. Defaults to `1.1` to prevent blurred placeholder from having white borders |
| --transition-duration | Duration of swapping placeholder and final image. Defaults to `.2s` |
| --transition-timing-function | Timing function of swapping placeholder and final image. Defaults to `ease-in` |
You can find examples of this in [demo page](demo/index.html)
View on NPMView on GitHub
progressive-img version 1.0.0
### Dependencies
* @polymer/polymer#^3.0.0
* eslint-plugin-import#^2.12.0
* eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y#^6.0.3
* eslint-plugin-react#^7.8.2