CountdownClock - Vaadin Add-on Directory
Countdown clock which counts down to a given date and timeA timer widget which counts down to a specified date and time and sends an event to the server when the given point of time is reached. For example, give your users a visual representation of scheduled tasks ("Check for new mails in 9 minutes and 23 seconds").
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Forum post about the widget
CountdownClock version 1.0
CountdownClock version 1.1
Fixed bug which occurred when clock was removed from layout during countdown.
CountdownClock version 2.0
Version 2.0 is converted to use Vaadin 7. This version DOES NOT support Vaadin 6.x, use version 1.x of this add-on for that. Version 1.1 and 2.0 have the exact same functionality.
CountdownClock version 2.0.1
Updated add-on to support Vaadin 7 rc2