ContextMenu - Vaadin Add-on Directory
Vaadin 7.3 Supported! - ContextMenu is hierarchical menu allowing popup context options for multitude of componentsSource Code (version 3.1)
Issue tracker (version 3.1)
Source Code (version 4.4)
Issue tracker (version 4.4)
ContextMenu version 3.1.0
- Added API support for separator lines between menu items
- Added new method to remove items from the menu
- Fixed menu positioning bugs (hopefully also the liferay positioning issue)
- Modifications to theme (Icons have static size, default separator lines removed)
- Other minor changes
ContextMenu version 4.2.1
Added functionality to hide ContextMenu from server side as well as ability to control if menu will be auto hidden after click or not. If auto hiding is disabled menu can only be closed by calling hide method.
ContextMenu version 4.4.0
Bugfix and feature addition release:
- Added method to remove single context menu items.
- Changed the CSS theme to SCSS theme and bundled it together with manifest information to allow having it built with own mixin to addons.scss file.
- Added functionality to specify styles per menu item. Implemented as community effort, thanks to Ben Ripkens.
- Added functionality to change menu item caption and enabled / disabled state Implemented as community effort, thanks to Rüdiger Hain.
- Fixed memory leak where ContextMenu instance was not properly unregistered. Fixed as community effort, thanks to Reuben D Sivan and Antti Tanhuanpää.
- Small adjustments and cleanups.
ContextMenu version 4.5
- Merged pull requests from Bitbucket
- Fixed a bug where ContextMenu's theme did not show up with Tree
- Changed menu shadow to work with best practices of Vaadin 7.3 (box-shadow)
- Fixed usage of code deprecated in GWT 2.6
This version is only tested with Vaadin 7.3. Please use 4.4.0 with 7.2 and below.