
Combo Box with Vaadin 8 behavior - Vaadin Add-on Directory

ComboBox component with Vaadin 8 behavior for Vaadin Flow. Combo Box with Vaadin 8 behavior - Vaadin Add-on Directory
### Overview This component provides a modified combobox that mimics some of Vaadin 8 combobox behavior. Features: - The first item is always highlighted (focused) when dropdown is manually open (by clicking the arrow) if no item is already selected. - The first item is always highlighted (focused) when filtering is triggered by entering some text in the input field. This gives the user the possibility to just press enter to select highlighted item on top. - The first item is always highlighted (focused) when dropdown is open after clearing the previous selected value with the clear button. - No item is selected if focusout event is triggered and there was a highlighted item in the dropdown. The rest of the functionalities are the same as in the Flow ComboBox component. ### Usage To use it just create a new component V8ComboBox and use it like a ComboBox component. For example: ```java V8ComboBox comboBox = new V8ComboBox<>("Select an option", "Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3"); ``` ### License & Author This Add-on is distributed under Apache 2.0 V8 ComboBox for Vaadin Flow is written by Vaadin Ltd. ### Sponsored development Major pieces of development of this add-on has been sponsored by multiple customers of Vaadin. Read more about Expert on Demand at: [Support]( and [Pricing](
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Combo Box with Vaadin 8 behavior version 1.0.1
Initial release

Combo Box with Vaadin 8 behavior version 1.0.2
This version reutilizes code from plain Vaadin 14 ComboBox, so it can obtain new features and bug fixes from upcoming versions.

Combo Box with Vaadin 8 behavior version 1.0.3
### Bugfixes * The first entry was not being highlighted in the dropdown after typing in the field, after previously selecting an entry * The first item was automatically selected after closing the dropdown without doing anything

Combo Box with Vaadin 8 behavior version 1.0.4
Pressing tab while focusing an item will select it

Combo Box with Vaadin 8 behavior version 1.0.5
### Bugfixes * Fix focus behavior after tab key is pressed