
Color Picker Flow - Vaadin Add-on Directory

Server-side implementation of the webcomponent Color Picker Flow - Vaadin Add-on Directory
# ColorPicker component for Vaadin Flow This project is the Component wrapper implementation of [``]( element for use from the server side with [Vaadin Flow]( ## Converted vs. Raw Value There are two implementations of the color picker: - `ColorPicker`- Provides the value automatically converted to a `java.awt.Color` - `ColorPickerRaw` - Provides the value as raw CSS Color `String` ## Running the component demo Starting the test/demo server: ``` mvn jetty:run ``` This deploys demo at http://localhost:8080 ## Installing the component Run from the command line: - `mvn clean install -DskipTests` ## Using the component in a Flow application To use the component in an application using maven, add the following dependency to your `pom.xml`: ``` com.github.juchar color-picker-flow ${component.version} ``` ## Flow documentation Documentation for flow can be found in [Flow documentation]( ## Contributing - Use the coding conventions from [Flow coding conventions]( - [Submit a pull request]( with detailed title and description - Wait for response from the author ## License Apache License 2.0
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Color Picker Flow version 1.0.0
Initial Release