CKEditor wrapper for Vaadin
CKEditor wrapper for use in Vaadin applications
CKEditor is a javascript-based HTML "rich text" editor that works in common browsers. This component provides a wrapper around it for use in a Vaadin-based application.
Vaadin 6: Developed using Vaadin 6.8.10 and CKEditor 4.1.1 in an Eclipse environment. This is no longer supported here.
Vaadin 7: Developed using Vaadin 7.7.16 and CKEditor 4.11.3 in an Eclipse environment. This is currently being support.
Vaadin 8: Currently no plans are in the works. Note there is another project that claims to have done so:!addon/ckeditor
Vaadin 10: Unsure about this as it's unclear when we'll rework our huge Vaadin 7 app that makes use of the editor.
You simply can drop the JAR file into your Vaadin WEB-INF/lib and begin using it, but as for all new add-ons, do a Vaadin widgetset compile.
Note this was compiled with JDK 1.6.
Sample code
public class VaadinCKEditorUI extends UI { @Override public void init(VaadinRequest request) { getPage().setTitle("Vaadin7 CKEditor UI"); VerticalLayout mainView = new VerticalLayout(); setContent(mainView); final String editorInitialValue = "<p>Thanks TinyMCEEditor for getting us started on the CKEditor integration.</p>\n\n<h1>Like TinyMCEEditor said, "Vaadin rocks!"</h1>\n\n<h1>And CKEditor is no slouch either.</h1>\n"; CKEditorConfig config = new CKEditorConfig(); config.useCompactTags(); config.disableElementsPath(); config.setResizeDir(CKEditorConfig.RESIZE_DIR.HORIZONTAL); config.disableSpellChecker(); config.setWidth("100%"); final CKEditorTextField ckEditorTextField = new CKEditorTextField(config); mainView.addComponent(ckEditorTextField); ckEditorTextField.setValue(editorInitialValue); ckEditorTextField.addValueChangeListener(new Property.ValueChangeListener() { public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) {"CKEditor v" + ckEditorTextField.getVersion() + " - contents: " + event.getProperty().getValue().toString()); } }); Button button = new Button("Hit server"); mainView.addComponents(button); } }
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- Released
- 2019-02-27
- Maturity
- License
- Apache License 2.0
- Framework
- Vaadin 7.2+
- Vaadin 6.3+ in 0.1
- Vaadin 6.4+ in 0.5
- Vaadin 6.5+ in 1.0
- Vaadin 6.6+ in 1.3
- Vaadin 6.7+ in 1.5.0
- Vaadin 6.8+ in 1.7.0
- Vaadin 7.0+ in 7.8.2
- Vaadin 7.1+ in 7.8.4
- Browser
- Browser Independent
CKEditor wrapper for Vaadin - Vaadin Add-on Directory
CKEditor wrapper for use in Vaadin applicationsAuthor Homepage
Online Demo
CKEditor wrapper for Vaadin version 0.1
CKEditor wrapper for Vaadin version 0.2
CKEditor wrapper for Vaadin version 0.3
Rebuilt with 6.3.0, but can't upload it here with creating a new version, but it's not a new version, so get the latest from Google Code.
CKEditor wrapper for Vaadin version 0.4
Fixed bug that caused editor to drop down page if a button updated the contents of the editor. The sample code now includes such a button, as well as a second more minimalist editor.
CKEditor wrapper for Vaadin version 0.4.1
Fixed IE8 bug by not using CssLayout
CKEditor wrapper for Vaadin version 0.5
CKEditor wrapper for Vaadin version 0.6
0.7 (20 October 2010)
- Using CKEditor 3.4.1.
- Recompiled with Vaadin 6.4.6.
- Add ability to configure an external styles definition for the Styles combobox: config.setStylesCombo_stylesSet(String styleSetSpec)
- Added editor destroy code when the widget is unloaded to hopefully avoid leaks.
- Root DIV for the editor includes overflow:auto so it will show scrollbars if needed (such as in read-only mode when the editor
is not present with its scrollbars).
- Added method CKEditorConfig.enableTableResizePlugin() to add the optional 'tableresize' plugin since it seems to be generally useful.
- Added method CKEDitorConfig.setupForOpenESignForms(String contextPath) to set up the editor in a common way for the Open eSignForms
project and removed the other project-specific API: addOpenESignFormsCustomToolbar().
CKEditor wrapper for Vaadin version 0.7
0.7 (20 October 2010)
- Using CKEditor 3.4.1.
- Recompiled with Vaadin 6.4.6.
- Add ability to configure an external styles definition for the Styles combobox: config.setStylesCombo_stylesSet(String styleSetSpec)
- Added editor destroy code when the widget is unloaded to hopefully avoid leaks.
- Root DIV for the editor includes overflow:auto so it will show scrollbars if needed (such as in read-only mode when the editor
is not present with its scrollbars).
- Added method CKEditorConfig.enableTableResizePlugin() to add the optional 'tableresize' plugin since it seems to be generally useful.
- Added method CKEDitorConfig.setupForOpenESignForms(String contextPath) to set up the editor in a common way for the Open eSignForms
project and removed the other project-specific API: addOpenESignFormsCustomToolbar().
CKEditor wrapper for Vaadin version 0.8
1.0 (17 December 2010)
- Using CKEditor 3.5 just released today.
- Recompiled with Vaadin 6.4.8.
- Allow eSignForms configuration to include the document style's CSS.
- Added ability to set a file browser URL to allow a user to select an image from the CKEditor image dialog: config.setFilebrowserImageBrowseUrl(String)
- Added ability to set a file browser window width (CKEditor defaults to 80%): config.setFilebrowserWindowWidth(String)
- Added ability to set a file browser window height (CKEditor defaults to 70%): config.setFilebrowserWindowHeight(String)
- Added ability to set an image browser URL to allow a user to select an image from the CKEditor image dialog: config.setFilebrowserBrowseUrl(String)
- Added ability to set an image browser window width (CKEditor defaults to 80%): config.setFilebrowserImageWindowWidth(String)
- Added ability to set an image browser window height (CKEditor defaults to 70%): config.setFilebrowserImageWindowHeight(String)
CKEditor wrapper for Vaadin version 1.0
1.1 (12 April 2011)
- Using CKEditor 3.5.3. This has support for IE9 and Firefox 4.
- Recompiled with Vaadin 6.5.4, which also uses GWT 2.1.1.
- Added ability to retrieve the version of CKEditor (i.e. "3.5.3") in use: CKEditorTextField.getVersion(). Currently this can't be done until after the editor is created
and initialized since we don't have any way to pass it back until there's some communications between server and client.
- Allow additional body classes to be passed in besides the default of "esf" for Open eSignForms needs. (config.setBodyClass() already allows this generally).
CKEditor wrapper for Vaadin version 1.1
1.1 (12 April 2011)
- Using CKEditor 3.5.3. This has support for IE9 and Firefox 4.
- Recompiled with Vaadin 6.5.4, which also uses GWT 2.1.1.
- Added ability to retrieve the version of CKEditor (i.e. "3.5.3") in use: CKEditorTextField.getVersion(). Currently this can't be done until after the editor is created
and initialized since we don't have any way to pass it back until there's some communications between server and client.
- Allow additional body classes to be passed in besides the default of "esf" for Open eSignForms needs. (config.setBodyClass() already allows this generally).
CKEditor wrapper for Vaadin version 1.2
1.2 (3 May 2011)
- Added ability to set the indentation chars (defaults to tab). The Open eSignForms default uses this to change to 4 spaces. (config.setWriterIndentationChars(String))
- Working with the project added methods to set the following configurations:
CKEditor wrapper for Vaadin version 1.3
1.3 (3 June 2011)
- Upgraded to Vaadin 6.6.1 with GWT 2.1.0.
- Upgraded to CKEditor 3.6.
- Added ability to set the tabSpaces config option: config.setTabSpaces(int);
CKEditor wrapper for Vaadin version 1.3.1
1.3.1 (3 June 2011)
- Upgraded to Vaadin 6.6.1 with GWT 2.1.0.
- Upgraded to CKEditor 3.6. This results in a change to the layout for defining custom toolbars.
You'll want to check your code if it calls config.addCustomToolbarLine(String)
- Added ability to set the tabSpaces config option: config.setTabSpaces(int);
CKEditor wrapper for Vaadin version 1.4
1.4 (14 June 2011)
- Changed CKEditorConfig setStylesCombo_stylesSet() to use name setStylesSet() as this was changed back in CKEditor 3.3 apparently.
The old name is deprecated and will be removed shortly.
- Added config options from André (google code user zorknika)
config.setSkin(String newSkin)
config.setFilebrowserFlashBrowseLinkUrl(String url)
config.setFilebrowserImageBrowseLinkUrl(String url)
config.addTemplatesFiles(String templateURL)
CKEditor wrapper for Vaadin version 1.4.1
1.4.1 (25 June 2011)
- Upgraded to CKEditor 3.6.1 and Vaadin 6.6.2.
CKEditor wrapper for Vaadin version 1.4.2
1.4.2 (29 September 2011)
- Upgraded to CKEditor 3.6.2 and Vaadin 6.6.7.
- Fixes in case someone is abusing the widget and passing in non-String values for the HTML editor.
- Incorporated modal dialog bug example so we have it documented until (if ever?!) it's fixed.
CKEditor wrapper for Vaadin version 1.4.3
1.4.3 (2 October 2011)
- Fix setValue(Object) to handle the oddball case of someone passing in a non-String value. This was missed in the 1.4.2 release.
1.4.2 (29 September 2011)
- Upgraded to CKEditor 3.6.2 and Vaadin 6.6.7.
- Fixes in case someone is abusing the widget and passing in non-String values for the HTML editor.
- Incorporated modal dialog bug example so we have it documented until (if ever?!) it's fixed.
CKEditor wrapper for Vaadin version 1.5.0
1.5.0 (1 December 2011)
- Upgraded to Vaadin 6.7.2.
- Removed Config.setStylesCombo_stylesSet() method as it was previously deprecated. Use Config.setStylesSet() instead.
*** All of the following feature upgrades in this release were contributed by Stefan Meißner, davengo GmbH (Thanks!) ***
- Focus and TabIndex (implementing Focusable)
- CKEditorField.insertHtml (insert html at the current selection)
- CKEditorField.insertText (insert text at the current selection)
- Detect more Content Changes (Undo, Redo, Snapshot, Source-View changes)
- EnterMode and ShiftEnterMode (@Config)
- Added to Config:
* Language
* templates_replaceContent
* forcePasteAsPlainText
* forceEnterMode
CKEditor wrapper for Vaadin version 1.6.0
1.6.0 (8 December 2011)
- Updated the sample application to show the 100% height fixed by Stefan.
*** All of the following feature upgrades in this release were contributed by Stefan Meißner, davengo GmbH (Thanks again!) ***
- Correct sizing of the component using component.setWidth(..., ...) and component.setHeight(..., ...).
Vaadin layouts do all the calculations of 100% height and widths and so on and give you the correct sizes.
- Adds the width and the height to the inPage configuration, if it is not set yet so the component is rendered
immediately with the correct height and width. To get around scrollbars which can appear because of borders and margins
within css, the overflow of the components root element is now set to HIDDEN.
- Added dynamic loading of the (300kb) ckeditor.js file to your component. ckeditor.js will now only get loaded when the
first CKEditorTextField is rendered. this saves traffic and time when the vaadin app is loaded.
- Added fullPage & protectedBody config
CKEditor wrapper for Vaadin version 1.6.1
- Added ability to set the font_names configuration option for the Fonts drop down list: config.setFontNames(). Also added some
convenience methods like: getFontNameList() and addFontName(String newFontNameSpec).
- Bug fix if the editor has its data change and readonly set together. Thanks for the bug find and fix by sascha.broich76.
- Upgraded to Vaadin 6.7.5.
CKEditor wrapper for Vaadin version 1.6.2
1.6.2 (21 April 2012)
- Change for Open eSignForms to set the file browser URL.
- Upgraded to CKEditor 3.6.3.
- Upgraded to Vaadin 6.7.6.
CKEditor wrapper for Vaadin version 1.6.3
1.6.3 (27 April 2012)
- Added ability to set any CKEDITOR.config option when no API is available to do it: config.addExtraConfig(String extraConfigName, String extraConfigValue )
that will result in adding this line to the in-page config: extraConfigName : extraConfigValue
If you think it's a generally useful option to set, please let us know and we'll add it to the API to call it out for others to use as well.
- Change for Open eSignForms to set the file browser window size.
- Upgraded to Vaadin 6.7.8.
CKEditor wrapper for Vaadin version 1.6.4
1.6.4 (20 June 2012)
- Added modal window fix. Thanks for the fix by Tien Tran.
- Upgraded to Vaadin 6.8.0.
CKEditor wrapper for Vaadin version 1.6.5
This includes the 1.6.4 release that was done today.
1.6.5 (20 June 2012)
- Added the following operations to CKEditorConfig:
setResizeEnabled(boolean v)
setResizeMinWidth(int pixels)
setResizeMaxWidth(int pixels)
setResizeMinHeight(int pixels)
setResizeMaxHeight(int pixels)
1.6.4 (20 June 2012)
- Added modal window fix. Thanks for the fix by Tien Tran.
- Upgraded to Vaadin 6.8.0.
CKEditor wrapper for Vaadin version 1.6.6
1.6.6 (19 July 2012)
- Added ability to add protectedSource regular expressions: config.addProtectedSource(String regex)
- Upgraded to CKEditor 3.6.4.
- Upgraded to Vaadin 6.8.1.
CKEditor wrapper for Vaadin version 1.6.7
1.6.7 (16 October 2012)
- Upgraded to CKEditor 3.6.5.
- Upgraded to Vaadin 6.8.5.
CKEditor wrapper for Vaadin version 1.7.0
1.7.0 (29 November 2012)
- Upgraded to CKEditor 4.0, full package.
- Reworked VaadinSave plugin for 4.0.
- Reworked config.protectedSource to no longer be part of the inPageConfig.
- Because CKEditor 4.0 doesn't have the 'tableresize' plugin anymore, we removed CKEditorConfig.enableTableResizePlugin().
- Changed setReadOnly(true) to set/clear CKEditor's readOnly flag, a feature introduced in CKEditor 3.6.
Previously, read-only mode was not part of the editor itself, so we just displayed the HTML without the editor.
Sadly, CKEditor has a bug that still allows the WYSIWYG mode to be changed (when CKEditor is appended to a DIV
element rather than replacing a TEXTAREA element) even though it's in read-only mode (as seen by the buttons being
disabled), while SOURCE mode blocks correctly. When the editor is returned to write mode, the last real contents
are reset so changes made in read-only mode are not noted.
Bug tracked at:
- Related, th
CKEditor wrapper for Vaadin version 1.7.1
1.7.1 (22 December 2012)
- Changed CKEditorTextField's changeVariables() method that handles receiving changes from the client-side
to no longer repaint as the contents received are what the editor already has. This avoids two quick
changes on the client side from getting lost when the server sends back the first change. In particular
we saw this on FF, Chrome and Safari browsers with a PASTE operation that caused CKEditor to insert
temporarily a
tags. If these are accepted and then sent back, the final change after the PASTE is lost and the
editor then contains bad "interim" contents. IE and Opera do not seem to show this oddity on PASTE.
- Upgraded to Vaadin 6.8.7.
CKEditor wrapper for Vaadin version 1.7.3
1.7.3 (11 January 2013)
- Upgraded to CKEditor 4.0.1.
CKEditor wrapper for Vaadin version 1.7.4
1.7.4 (1 February 2013)
- Updated the sample app to set the BaseFloatZIndex to 11000 in the popup windows so that the editor
can maximize and not show the Vaadin subwindow as a grayed out box (it's lost focus). Oddly, this
works for that issue, but when you minimize the editor that's in a non-modal Vaadin subwindow that you do not
reposition on the screen when it's created, it doesn't regain the focus. Interestingly, if you do move the subwindow
even a bit before maximizing the editor, minimize works fine. And just as interesting is that in a modal Vaadin subwindow,
it appears to work fine regardless of repositioning the subwindow.
- Changed from forceblur scheme to reducing the blur delay from 200msecs to just 70msecs.
- Upgraded to Vaadin 6.8.8.
CKEditor wrapper for Vaadin version 1.7.5
1.7.5 (10 February 2013)
- Reducing the blur delay from 70msecs to 20msecs to see if this works any more reliably (sometimes we don't get the latest editor contents), but
not so quick that we get interim editor contents (like bogus span and body tags that are added during PASTE and replace text operations).
If we go too low, and if you add a BLUR listener to the editor in Vaadin, we find that Safari users cannot easily right-click in a TABLE CELL
because the BLUR event causes the buffer to be sent to the server, which then updates the editor and causes the editor's popup dialog to close.
For Safari with BLUR/FOCUS listeners, we see the editor sometimes gets out of sync with a blur event fired while still in the editor, so for now
we recommend if you need Safari support, do not add BLUR/FOCUS listeners to the widget.
CKEditor wrapper for Vaadin version 1.7.6
1.7.6 (15 March 2013)
- Upgraded to CKEditor 4.0.2.
- Upgraded to Vaadin 6.8.9.
CKEditor wrapper for Vaadin version 1.7.7
1.7.7 (19 March 2013)
- Added ability to set startupFocus in CKEditorConfig: config.setStartupFocus(boolean v).
- Added support for the CKEditorTextField.focus() method to be called.
CKEditor wrapper for Vaadin version 1.8.0
1.8.0 (4 April 2013)
- Upgraded to CKEditor 4.1.0.
- Added ability to set allowedContent for advanced content filtering (ACF): config.setAllowedContent(String acfSpec).
- Added ability to disable advanced content filtering (ACF) by setting allowedContent to true: config.setAllowedContentAll().
- Added ability to set extraAllowedContent for advanced content filtering (ACF): config.setExtraAllowedContent(String acfSpec).
CKEditor wrapper for Vaadin version 1.8.2
1.8.2 (23 April 2013)
- Upgraded to CKEditor 4.1.1. This patch allows previous pasteFromWord* settings to work.
- Added ability to set pasteFromWordPromptCleanup: config.setPasteFromWordPromptCleanup(boolean)
1.8.1 (17 April 2013)
- Added ability to set pasteFromWordRemoveFontStyles: config.setPasteFromWordRemoveFontStyles(boolean). Use with caution since seems to cause
CKEditor stability issues. (CKEditor fixed this in 4.1.1)
- Added ability to set pasteFromWordRemoveStyles: config.setPasteFromWordRemoveStyles(boolean). Use with caution since seems to cause
CKEditor stability issues. (CKEditor fixed this in 4.1.1)
- Changed Open eSignForms config to turn off ACF.
- Upgraded to Vaadin 6.8.10.
CKEditor wrapper for Vaadin version 7.8.2
7.8.2 (8 May 2013)
- Basic legacy port from Vaadin 6.8.10 to 7.0.5. Special thanks to Samuli Penttilä for submitting a conversion patch that was based on an older 1.6 release but could still be applied to the 1.8.2 release we did the conversion on.
- Note that this is considered experimental as it's built on the legacy conversion and has not been tested in production Vaadin 7 environments.
- Note that the modal window bug has returned with this port, so you are recommended not to place a CKEditorTextField in a modal Vaadin Window.
CKEditor wrapper for Vaadin version 7.8.3
7.8.3 (10 May 2013)
- Fixed the modal window issue.
CKEditor wrapper for Vaadin version 7.8.4
7.8.4 (23 July 2013)
- Upgraded to CKEditor 4.2. Using the new "change" event, which the documentation points out could fire
even when no changes are done, so comparisons are still needed.
- Upgraded to Vaadin 7.1.1.
CKEditor wrapper for Vaadin version 7.8.5
7.8.5 (29 July 2013)
- Added ElementResizeListener to VCKEditorTextField widget so react to browser resizing.
CKEditor wrapper for Vaadin version 7.8.6
7.8.6 (3 September 2013)
- Added 'readOnly' setting for startup read-only mode: config.setReadOnly(true).
- Fixed bug in change events so as not to lose any changes due to a conflict between the CKEditor's built-in
'change' event and our continued to need to also use the 'blur' event to detect changes, especially
for SOURCE mode as 'change' works great for WYSIWYG mode.
- Upgraded to Vaadin 7.1.3.
CKEditor wrapper for Vaadin version 7.8.7
7.8.7 (17 October 2013)
- Upgraded to CKEditor 4.2.2.
- Upgraded to Vaadin 7.1.7.
CKEditor wrapper for Vaadin version 7.8.8
7.8.8 (25 November 2013)
- Upgraded to CKEditor 4.3.
- Upgraded to Vaadin 7.1.8.
CKEditor wrapper for Vaadin version 7.8.9
7.8.9 (31 January 2014)
- Upgraded to CKEditor 4.3.2.
- Upgraded to Vaadin 7.1.10.
CKEditor wrapper for Vaadin version 7.9.0
7.9.0 (2 February 2014)
- Added 'addKeystrokeMapping' to set keystroke handlers via CKEditorConfig: config.addKeystrokeMapping(int keystroke,String command)
- Added 'enableCtrlSWithVaadinSavePlugin' to CKEditorConfig to allow CTRL-S to also save via the 'vaadinsave' plugin. Note that this
will automatically enable the vaadinsave plugin (config.enableVaadinSavePlugin()) as it's required for the keystroke mapping to take place.
- Changed the 'vaadinsave' plugin to work in both WYSIWYG and SOURCE modes.
- Added CKEditorTextField.addVaadinSaveListener() method to be notified when the vaadinsave button is pressed. Previously, this was
only noted by a ValueChangeListener(), though that could be called if you changed the editor and then clicked
to remove focus from the editor. The callback listener allows you to know that it was the vaadinsave button or CTRL-S.
CKEditor wrapper for Vaadin version 7.9.1
7.9.1 (6 April 2014)
- Upgraded to CKEditor 4.3.4.
- Upgraded to Vaadin 7.1.13.
CKEditor wrapper for Vaadin version 7.9.2
7.9.2 (30 July 2014)
- Upgraded to CKEditor 4.4.3.
- Upgraded to Vaadin 7.2.5.
CKEditor wrapper for Vaadin version 7.9.3
7.9.3 (29 August 2014)
- Upgraded to CKEditor 4.4.4.
- Upgraded to Vaadin 7.2.6.
CKEditor wrapper for Vaadin version 7.9.4
7.9.4 (2 December 2014)
- Upgraded to CKEditor 4.4.6.
- Upgraded to Vaadin 7.3.5.
CKEditor wrapper for Vaadin version 7.9.5
7.9.5 (20 January 2015)
- Fixed issue 41 ( for setting the editor text contents before firing blur/focus events.
Thanks to kdokdo for providing the bug find and fix.
CKEditor wrapper for Vaadin version 7.9.6
7.9.6 (2 February 2015)
- Upgraded to CKEditor 4.4.7.
- Upgraded to Vaadin 7.3.9.
CKEditor wrapper for Vaadin version 7.10.0
7.10.0 (8 July 2015)
- Upgraded to CKEditor 4.5.1
- Upgraded to Vaadin 7.5.0.
- Adding selected html listener (but currently not reliable enough so use at your own risk).
Seems if you have selected text and then clicked on an editor button, it's usually correct.
- Project has moved to GitHub (Google Code died).
CKEditor wrapper for Vaadin version 7.10.2
7.10.2 (15 July 2015)
- Upgraded to Vaadin 7.5.1.
- The 7.10.0 added 'selected html listener' (addSelectionChangeListener(SelectionChangeListener listener) is more
reliable now, but it depends on keyup and mouseup events, so could be a bit browser heavy, but didn't notice any issues.
Also, the event is fired when nothing is selected if we previously had sent out a selected text event (to help capture no-longer-selected).
CKEditor wrapper for Vaadin version 7.10.3
7.10.3 (13 August 2015)
- Upgraded to CKEditor 4.5.2.
- Upgraded to Vaadin 7.5.3.
CKEditor wrapper for Vaadin version 7.10.4
7.10.4 (21 August 2015)
- Upgraded to CKEditor 4.5.3.
- Upgraded to Vaadin 7.5.4.
CKEditor wrapper for Vaadin version 7.10.5
7.10.5 (16 October 2015)
- Upgraded to CKEditor 4.5.4.
- Upgraded to Vaadin 7.5.7.
CKEditor wrapper for Vaadin version 7.10.6
7.10.6 (15 December 2015)
- Upgraded to CKEditor 4.5.6.
- Upgraded to Vaadin 7.5.10.
CKEditor wrapper for Vaadin version 7.10.7
7.10.7 (29 March 2016)
- Upgraded to CKEditor 4.5.7.
- Upgraded to Vaadin 7.6.4.
- Includes Matti Tahvonen's patch for to resolve
updates going out when using long polling.
CKEditor wrapper for Vaadin version 7.10.8
7.10.8 (11 April 2016)
- Upgraded to CKEditor 4.5.8.
- Includes Matti Tahvonen's patch for to resolve
the fail sending of changes (per the patch 48/52 added in 7.10.7) when a new item data source is set.
CKEditor wrapper for Vaadin version 7.10.9
7.10.9 (20 May 2016)
- Upgraded to CKEditor 4.5.9.
- Upgraded to Vaadin 7.6.6.
CKEditor wrapper for Vaadin version 7.10.10
7.10.10 (28 August 2016)
- Upgraded to CKEditor 4.5.10.
- Upgraded to Vaadin 7.7.0.
CKEditor wrapper for Vaadin version 7.10.11
7.10.11 (21 September 2016)
- Upgraded to CKEditor 4.5.11.
- Upgraded to Vaadin 7.7.1.
CKEditor wrapper for Vaadin version 7.11.0
7.11.0 (17 November 2016)
- Upgraded to CKEditor 4.6.0. This integration has not been well tested with the 4.6.* line of CKEditor yet so report issues.
The CKEditor release caused the following CKEditorConfig options to be removed as no longer supported: pasteFromWordNumberedHeadingToList and pasteFromWordRemoveStyles
The CKEditor release also suggests the following CKEditorConfig option will be deprecated soon: pasteFromWordRemoveFontStyles
- Upgraded to Vaadin 7.7.4.
CKEditor wrapper for Vaadin version 7.11.1
7.11.1 (26 January 2017)
- Upgraded to CKEditor 4.6.2.
- Upgraded to Vaadin 7.7.6.
CKEditor wrapper for Vaadin version 7.11.2
7.11.2 (19 May 2017)
- Attempted patch from to fix issue 36 with setVisible() and multiple editors
Pull request:
We found this did not work reliably and had to abandon it. For example, in the demo UI, it fails to open the editor with 100% height and
that correct behavior is more important to us the multi-editor set visible issue (we rarely have multiple editors on the same view).
Using the ideas behind the patch, however, we were able to make this work as the code previously had no concept of handling the widget
being unloaded and reloaded.
- Per Issue 60 ( from coolersport/Tien Tran),
we added the code like his for Vaadin 6 to set the text as dirty on detach and related updates.
- Per Issue 61 ( from coolersport/Tien Tran),
CKEditor wrapper for Vaadin version 7.12.0
7.12.0 (25 May 2017)
- Upgraded to CKEditor 4.7.0.
CKEditor wrapper for Vaadin version 7.12.1
7.12.1 (12 June 2017)
- Patch fix for 'view without editor' mode, and to fix going from SOURCE mode back to WYSIWYG mode not noting the changed editor contents.
CKEditor wrapper for Vaadin version 7.12.2
7.12.2 (29 June 2017)
- Upgraded to CKEditor 4.7.1.
- Per suggestion from coolersport/Tien Tran, fixed the 'protectBody' method of the editor to not set contentEditable to true if the editor is in read-only mode regardless of the protectedBody attribute value.
- Upgraded to Vaadin 7.7.10.
CKEditor wrapper for Vaadin version 7.12.3
(Sorry they oddly require a .JAR to be .ZIP to be uploaded, and we put the JAR into a ZIP, then it rejects that too. So this .ZIP file is actually a .JAR when used.)
7.12.3 (6 October 2017)
- Upgraded to CKEditor 4.7.3.
- Per issue 69 (, changed the editor's DIV id to use
'VCKE_paintableid' instead of just 'paintableid' which is just numbers.
- Added Vaadin Save plugin to the popup editors in the demo UI.
CKEditor wrapper for Vaadin version 7.12.4
7.12.4 (16 December 2017)
- Upgraded to CKEditor 4.8.0.
- Upgraded to Vaadin 7.7.12.
CKEditor wrapper for Vaadin version 7.12.5
7.12.5 (1 April 2018)
- Upgraded to CKEditor 4.9.1.
- Upgraded to Vaadin 7.7.13.
CKEditor wrapper for Vaadin version 7.12.6
7.12.6 (5 July 2018)
- Upgraded to CKEditor 4.10.0.
CKEditor wrapper for Vaadin version 7.12.7
7.12.7 (17 September 2018)
- Upgraded to CKEditor 4.10.1.
- Upgraded to Vaadin 7.7.14.
CKEditor wrapper for Vaadin version 7.12.8
7.12.8 (17 January 2019)
- Upgraded to CKEditor 4.11.2.