CKEditor wrapper for Vaadin
CKEditor wrapper for use in Vaadin applications
CKEditor is a javascript-based HTML "rich text" editor that works in common browsers. This component provides a wrapper around it for use in a Vaadin-based application.
Vaadin 6: Developed using Vaadin 6.8.10 and CKEditor 4.1.1 in an Eclipse environment. This is no longer supported here.
Vaadin 7: Developed using Vaadin 7.7.16 and CKEditor 4.11.3 in an Eclipse environment. This is currently being support.
Vaadin 8: Currently no plans are in the works. Note there is another project that claims to have done so:!addon/ckeditor
Vaadin 10: Unsure about this as it's unclear when we'll rework our huge Vaadin 7 app that makes use of the editor.
You simply can drop the JAR file into your Vaadin WEB-INF/lib and begin using it, but as for all new add-ons, do a Vaadin widgetset compile.
Note this was compiled with JDK 1.6.
Sample code
public class VaadinCKEditorUI extends UI { @Override public void init(VaadinRequest request) { getPage().setTitle("Vaadin7 CKEditor UI"); VerticalLayout mainView = new VerticalLayout(); setContent(mainView); final String editorInitialValue = "<p>Thanks TinyMCEEditor for getting us started on the CKEditor integration.</p>\n\n<h1>Like TinyMCEEditor said, "Vaadin rocks!"</h1>\n\n<h1>And CKEditor is no slouch either.</h1>\n"; CKEditorConfig config = new CKEditorConfig(); config.useCompactTags(); config.disableElementsPath(); config.setResizeDir(CKEditorConfig.RESIZE_DIR.HORIZONTAL); config.disableSpellChecker(); config.setWidth("100%"); final CKEditorTextField ckEditorTextField = new CKEditorTextField(config); mainView.addComponent(ckEditorTextField); ckEditorTextField.setValue(editorInitialValue); ckEditorTextField.addValueChangeListener(new Property.ValueChangeListener() { public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) {"CKEditor v" + ckEditorTextField.getVersion() + " - contents: " + event.getProperty().getValue().toString()); } }); Button button = new Button("Hit server"); mainView.addComponents(button); } }
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- Released
- 2019-02-27
- Maturity
- License
- Apache License 2.0
- Framework
- Vaadin 7.2+
- Vaadin 6.3+ in 0.1
- Vaadin 6.4+ in 0.5
- Vaadin 6.5+ in 1.0
- Vaadin 6.6+ in 1.3
- Vaadin 6.7+ in 1.5.0
- Vaadin 6.8+ in 1.7.0
- Vaadin 7.0+ in 7.8.2
- Vaadin 7.1+ in 7.8.4
- Browser
- Browser Independent