
lazy-img - Vaadin Add-on Directory

Lazy loading img lazy-img - Vaadin Add-on Directory
**[ This description is mirrored from at []( on 2019-05-10 ]** [![Published on](]( _[Demo and API docs]( # \ `lazy-img` is a lazy loading img element that is shadow-dom friendly and uses [IntersectionObserver]( to detect when images are within the viewport and need to be loaded. The default behavior is to use the browser viewport but more specific control can be provided by setting the `observe` property to a parent selector (either an element id, class or tag name): ```
``` `margin` and `threshold` allow control over exactly when the loading is triggered as the element comes into view. `margin` can reduce or extend the detection area of the container and `threshold` can determine what proportion of the image needs to be within the area. Demo is based on [this example of intersection-observer]( If used on a browser without support for `IntersectionObserver` a polyfill will be loaded automatically from the [ service]( Configure this with the following code in `index.html`: ``` ```