CanvasWidget - Vaadin Add-on Directory
Add HTML5 Canvas support for your application.An add-on that wraps the Canvas API to be used in the server side. Also includes a rudimentary mouse listener API for catching clicks on the canvas.
NOTE: This add-on is only compatible with Vaadin 6. There is a Vaadin 7 compatible version available here:
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GWTCanvas at Google Code
CanvasWidget version 1.0.1
Updated to Vaadin 6.3.4 and added a build script. No functional changes.
CanvasWidget version 1.0.2
Fixed a bug that with the drawImage() commands.
CanvasWidget version 1.0.3
Fixed a bug that prevented the drawImage methods from displaying the image unless it was already cached by the browser.
CanvasWidget version 1.1
new API: fillText allows you to draw text to the canvas
new API: setFont allows you to set font properties that are used by the fillText method
new API: setTextBaseline allows you specify text alignment, used by the fillText method
Optimization: The protocol used to transfer canvas commands from the server to the client is now a lot less verbose.