
Anchor Nav for Flow - Vaadin Add-on Directory

Organizes content sections with tabs and provides anchor navigation while linking the tabs and sections Anchor Nav for Flow - Vaadin Add-on Directory
[Live Demo ↗]( [<vcf-anchor-nav>]( component organizes content sections with tabs and provides anchor navigation while linking the tabs and sections ## Basic Usage ```java AnchorNav anchorNav = new AnchorNav(); anchorNav.setHeight("400px"); anchorNav.addSection(new Span("Section 1")); anchorNav.addSection(new Span("Section 2")); ``` ## Development instructions Starting the test/demo server: 1. Run `mvn jetty:run`. 2. Open http://localhost:8080 in the browser. ## Sponsored development Major pieces of development of this add-on has been sponsored by multiple customers of Vaadin. Read more about Expert on Demand at: [Support]( and [Pricing](