Flow wrapper for Ag-grid Js Component
Wrapper for Ag-grid Js Component
This add-on wraps the JavaScript component Ag-Grid.
This component reproduces some JAVA API of the Vaadin Grid component to displays tabular data.
It can help if you encounter problems of performance with vaadin-grid if:
- Internet Explorer 11 is a requirement
- You have a lot of columns
This add-on does not bring all the features of ag-grid.
Here is a list of features included:
- Use lazy data source with the DataProvider
- Cell renderers: The cell renderer need to be done in Javascript.
- It can be done with Polymer, Lit or pure html. It's highly discouraged to use webcomponents inside cell renderer if you want good performance in IE11.
- Cell Click listener
- Sorting is possible
- Column Grouping
- Frozen column on the left and right
- Dynamic Cell Css class
Here is a list of not implemented features:
- Edit cell
- Column reordering
- Filtering
- Row classes
- Selection
- Pivot
Warning: Version 1.2.0+ requires Vaadin 14.2+ to work.
The community version of Ag grid is used in this add-on. You can read the details for the licensing here
Development instructions
Starting the demo server:
Go to ag-grid-flow-demo and run:
mvn jetty:run
This deploys demo at http://localhost:8080
Test in Internet Explorer 11 / EdgeHTML:
Go to ag-grid-flow-demo and run:
mvn jetty:run -Dvaadin.devmode.transpile=true
See the demo and the code on github
Sample code
public class SimpleView extends Div { public SimpleView() { setSizeFull(); AgGrid<Person> grid = buildGrid(); grid.refreshColumnDefs(); grid.setDataProvider(DataProvider.ofCollection(PersonUtil.buildPersons())); add(grid); } private AgGrid<Person> buildGrid() { AgGrid<Person> grid = new AgGrid<>(); grid.setSizeFull(); grid.addColumn("id",Person::getId) .setFrozen(true) .setHeader("Id") .setSortable(true); grid.addColumn("firstname",Person::getFirstName) .setHeader("FirstName") .setSortable(true); grid.addColumn("lastname",Person::getLastName) .setHeader("LastName") .setSortable(true); return grid; } }
@JsModule("./src/textfield-lit-renderer.js") @JsModule("./src/button-lit-renderer.js") @JsModule("./src/icon-lit-renderer.js") @Uses(Button.class) @Uses(Icon.class) @Uses(TextField.class) @Route(value = "lit-component-renderer", layout = MainLayout.class) public class LitComponentRendererView extends Div { public LitComponentRendererView() { setSizeFull(); AgGrid<Person> grid = buildAdvancedGrid(); grid.refreshColumnDefs(); grid.setDataProvider(DataProvider.ofCollection(PersonUtil.buildPersons())); add(grid); } private AgGrid<Person> buildAdvancedGrid() { AgGrid<Person> grid = new AgGrid<>(); grid.setSizeFull(); grid.addColumn("id",Person::getId) .setHeader("Id") .setFlex(1) .setSortable(true); grid.addColumn("firstname",Person::getFirstName) .setHeader("FirstName") .setFlex(1) .setCellRendererFramework("button-lit-renderer") .setSortable(true); grid.addColumn("lastname",Person::getLastName) .setHeader("LastName") .setFlex(1) .setCellRendererFramework("textfield-lit-renderer") .setSortable(true); grid.addColumn("age",person -> ((person.getId() % 2 == 0)? VaadinIcon.COMPRESS_SQUARE:VaadinIcon.COMPRESS) .name().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH).replace('_', '-') ) .setHeader("Age") .setFlex(1) .setCellRendererFramework("icon-lit-renderer") .setSortable(true); return grid; } }
import { LitElement, html as html } from 'lit-element'; class CurrencyLitRenderer extends LitElement { static get properties() { return { currency: { type: String }, value: { type: Number } }; } constructor() { super(); } agInit(params) { //console.log("params {}", params); this.params = params; if (typeof params.value === 'undefined') { } else { this.currency = this.params.value.currency; this.value = this.params.value.price; } } get formattedValue() { return this.value ? this.value.toFixed(2) : this.value; } clickOnCurrency(e) {, this.params.colDef.field, this.params.rowIndex, "currencyClicked"); } render() { return html`<span><span class="renderer-currency" @click="${this.clickOnCurrency}">${this.currency}</span> <span class="renderer-value">${this.formattedValue}</span></span>`; } } customElements.define('currency-lit-renderer', CurrencyLitRenderer);
import {html, PolymerElement} from "@polymer/polymer/polymer-element.js"; class CurrencyPolymerRenderer extends PolymerElement { static get template() { return html`<span><span class="renderer-currency" on-click="clickOnCurrency">{{currency}}</span> <span class="renderer-value">{{formattedValue}}</span></span> `; } agInit(params) { //console.log("params {}", params); this.params = params; if (typeof params.value === 'undefined') { } else { this.currency = this.params.value.currency; this.value = this.params.value.price; } } clickOnCurrency(e) {, this.params.colDef.field, this.params.rowIndex, "currencyClicked"); } static get properties() { return { currency: String, value: Number, formattedValue: { type: Number, computed: 'format(value)' } }; } format(value) { return value ? value.toFixed(2) : value; } } customElements.define('currency-polymer-renderer', CurrencyPolymerRenderer);
if (typeof window.Vaadin.Flow.agGridRenderers === 'undefined') { window.Vaadin.Flow.agGridRenderers = []; } let CurrencyHtmlRenderer = function CurrencyHtmlRenderer () {} // function to act as a class window.Vaadin.Flow.agGridRenderers["currency-html-renderer"] = CurrencyHtmlRenderer; // gets called once before the renderer is used CurrencyHtmlRenderer.prototype.init = function(params) { //console.log("params {}", params); // create the cell this.eGui = document.createElement('span'); this.eGui.innerHTML = '<span class="renderer-currency"></span> <span class="renderer-value"></span>'; // get references to the elements we want this.eCurrency = this.eGui.querySelector('.renderer-currency'); this.eValue = this.eGui.querySelector('.renderer-value'); // set value into cell if (typeof params.value === 'undefined') { } else { const value = params.value.price; this.eValue.innerHTML = value ? value.toFixed(2) : value; this.eCurrency.innerHTML = params.value.currency; } // add event listener to button this.eventListener = function() {, params.colDef.field, params.rowIndex, "currencyClicked"); }; this.eCurrency.addEventListener('click', this.eventListener); }; // gets called once (assuming destroy hasn't been called first) when grid ready to insert the element CurrencyHtmlRenderer.prototype.getGui = function() { return this.eGui; }; // gets called whenever the user gets the cell to refresh CurrencyHtmlRenderer.prototype.refresh = function(params) { // set value into cell again this.eValue.innerHTML = params.valueFormatted ? params.valueFormatted : params.value; // return true to tell the grid we refreshed successfully return true; }; // gets called when the cell is removed from the grid CurrencyHtmlRenderer.prototype.destroy = function() { // do cleanup, remove event listener from button if (this.eCurrency) { // check that the button element exists as destroy() can be called before getGui() this.eCurrency.removeEventListener('click', this.eventListener); } };
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Update ag grid to version 29 and make the component compatible with Vaadin 23 and 24
- Released
- 2023-04-05
- Maturity
- License
- Apache License 2.0
- Framework
- Vaadin 23
- Vaadin 24
- Vaadin 14 in 1.2.1
- Vaadin 14+ in 1.2.0
- Browser
- N/A
ag-grid-flow - Vaadin Add-on Directory
Flow wrapper for Ag-grid Js ComponentIssue tracker
View on GitHub
ag-grid-flow version 1.0.0
First version
ag-grid-flow version 1.0.1
Change the default package
ag-grid-flow version 1.1.0
Change the license to Apache 2
ag-grid-flow version 1.2.0
* Add a listener for the changes of the dataprovider:
* Add a demo for grid with a lot of columns (300 text columns) to see the difference between the vaadin-grid and ag-grid in this case.
* Remove one manual asynchronous javascript: Requires Vaadin 14.2+
ag-grid-flow version 1.2.1
Fix an issue with the renderer when the columns are grouped.
Bump the version of ag-grid.
Add https to the maven repository (required for the latest maven)
ag-grid-flow version 2.0.1
Update ag grid to version 29 and make the component compatible with Vaadin 23 and 24