
Addon test helpers - Vaadin Add-on Directory

Helpers targeted mainly for add-on projects, but which can be handy for generic Vaadin projects as well. Addon test helpers - Vaadin Add-on Directory
Provides e.g. searchable list and embedded server for UI's on the test packages, essential serious add-on projects. Also contains some helpers for TestBench/Selenium. See archetypes configuring this add-on automatically for your add-on projects: * [Archetype for plain servers side and/or JS components]( * [Archetype for traditional GWT components]( Also contains a component to dynamically adjust properties of components within given "component tree", but that is broken (pending some V6->V7 upgrade fixes).
Source Code

Addon test helpers version 1.0

Addon test helpers version 1.1

Addon test helpers version 1.2
Windows support

Addon test helpers version 1.3
Contains basic selenium/testbench stubs and updated the jetty version to 9.x

Addon test helpers version 1.4
Lots of improvements for WebDriver/TestBench helpers. Big thanks belongs to [@dve]( who has practically implemented all recent enhancements.

Addon test helpers version 1.5

Addon test helpers version 1.6

Addon test helpers version 1.7

Addon test helpers version 1.8

Addon test helpers version 1.9

Addon test helpers version 1.10

Addon test helpers version 2.0.alpha1
First release supporting Vaadin 8. Built against 8.0.0.beta1.

Addon test helpers version 2.0.alpha2
A versin for Vaadin 8 beta1

Addon test helpers version 2.0.alpha3

Addon test helpers version 2.0.0.alpha4

Addon test helpers version 2.0.alpha5

Addon test helpers version 2.0
More native Java 9 API and updated dependency versions

Addon test helpers version 2.1