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Twitter Status Web Component
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Twitter Status Web Component
[Live demo](
Base example
Example with attached image
![Example with image](/images/image.png)
Example with hyperlinked hashtags/mentions/URLs and links colored from profile settings.
![Example with image](/images/colors.png)
Load directly from unpkg:
Or installed as a dependency:
npm install twitter-status
And imported:
import 'twitter-status';
twitter-status relies on the [shadow DOM]( and [custom elements]( standards. You will likely need a [polyfill]( until browser support is more ubiquitous.
Polyfills can be loaded via unpkg directly.
Or installed as a dependency:
npm install @webcomponents/webcomponentsjs
And imported:
import '@webcomponents/webcomponentsjs/bundles/webcomponents-sd-ce';
<twitter-status> takes a single value `status` that must be the full response of [GET statuses/show/:id]( with the parameters `include_entities=true` and `tweet_mode=extended`.
You can embed the tweet in the HTML as a JSON string:
Or set the property in JS:
You can theme the borders. Here is an card example.
![Example with card edges](/images/card.png)
**Why use <twitter-status> instead of Twitter's embedded tweets?**
- Open source - If you don't like something about it you can customize it to fit your exact needs.
- Lightweight
- A minimal <twitter-status> [example]( comes in at **33KB** before compression. ([With more to save](
- A minimal [Twitter Embed]( [example]( comes in at **121KB** before compression.
- Security - You can perform a security audit of <twitter-status> and know exactly what you are shipping. You don't have to worry about loading Twitter's JavaScript.
- Privacy - <twitter-status> only loads embedded images and videos from Twitter's CDN. You don't have to worry about loading Twitter's JavaScript.
- Native web component - <twitter-status> is built with standardized web APIs that will work out of the box with [most frameworks](
- No framework dependancies - Because it's based on native web components, it does not have a dependency on Angular, React, or any other framework.
- Custom URL handling ([coming soon]( - When a user click on a #hashtag, @mention, etc, you can configure it that they stay within your site.
- Cached data - If you are a news organization or displaying tweets from politicians, you can continue displaying deleted tweets.
- Well tested - <twitter-status> as a nice suit of tests to make sure everything continues to render correctly.
**Limitations of <twitter-status>?**
- Web component polyfills - Shadow DOM and custom elements are [not supported in all browsers](, if you are not already using web components the pollyfills may add additional data cost.
- Twitter cards - Twitter fetches data about links and embeds those in tweets. The data is not available via the API so <twitter-status> does not have access.
- Status object - <twitter-status> requires the full tweet object. If you only have an ID you'll have to make a request to the Twitter API before using the component.
- Activity counts - Because the status objects may be stale, like, retweet, and reply counts are not displayed.
- Open source - This project is not backed by any financing so work gets done as time permits. There are [known status types]( that are not supported yet.
**What other options are there?**
- [Twitter's official embedded tweets](
- [react-tweet-embed](
- [react-tweet](
Looking for a way to embed users? Check out [<twitter-user>](
TwitterStatus is released under an MIT license.
TwitterStatus is not affiliated Twitter, Inc.
Built, tested, and published with [Nutmeg](
View on GitHub
View on NPM
twitter-status version 0.1.0
### Dependencies
* @nutmeg/seed#^0.4.2
* twitter-text#^2.0.2
twitter-status version 0.1.1
### Dependencies
* @nutmeg/seed#^0.4.2
* twitter-text#^2.0.2
twitter-status version 0.1.2
### Dependencies
* @nutmeg/seed#^0.4.2
* twitter-text#^2.0.2
twitter-status version 0.1.3
### Dependencies
* @nutmeg/seed#^0.4.2
* twitter-text#^2.0.2
twitter-status version 0.1.4
### Dependencies
* @nutmeg/seed#^0.6.0
* twitter-text#^2.0.2
twitter-status version 0.1.5
### Dependencies
* @nutmeg/seed#0.8.1
* twitter-text#2.0.4
twitter-status version 0.1.6
### Dependencies
* @nutmeg/seed#0.9.0
* lit-html#0.9.0
* twitter-text#2.0.4
twitter-status version 0.2.0
### Dependencies
* @nutmeg/seed#0.12.1
* lit-html#0.10.2
* twitter-text#2.0.4
twitter-status version 0.2.1
### Dependencies
* @nutmeg/seed#0.12.1
* lit-html#0.10.2
* twitter-text#2.0.4
twitter-status version 0.2.2
### Dependencies
* @nutmeg/seed#0.12.1
* lit-html#0.10.2
* twitter-text#2.0.4
twitter-status version 0.2.3
### Dependencies
* @nutmeg/seed#0.12.2
* lit-html#0.10.2
* twitter-text#2.0.4
twitter-status version 0.2.4
### Dependencies
* @nutmeg/seed#0.12.2
* lit-html#0.10.2
* twitter-text#2.0.4
twitter-status version 0.2.5
### Dependencies
* @nutmeg/seed#0.12.2
* lit-html#0.10.2
* twitter-text#2.0.4
twitter-status version 0.3.0
### Dependencies
* @nutmeg/seed#0.12.2
* lit-html#0.10.2
* twitter-text#2.0.4
twitter-status version 0.4.0
### Dependencies
* @nutmeg/seed#0.13.0
* lit-html#0.10.2
* twitter-text#2.0.4
twitter-status version 0.4.1
### Dependencies
* @nutmeg/seed#0.13.0
* lit-html#0.10.2
* twitter-d#0.1.1
* twitter-text#2.0.4