
kate-magic-list - Vaadin Add-on Directory

Mutable List based on Material Design kate-magic-list - Vaadin Add-on Directory
**[ This description is mirrored from at []( on 2018-12-05 ]** # Kate Magic List A mutable list that provides the ability to interactively modify an array of objects based on Material Design [![Published on](]( ## Instalation ``` bower i --save kate-magic-list ``` ## Usage ### Default ```html ``` _By default the component creates an empty array and uses it to generalize the list_ ### Working with data ```html ``` _Use `two-way data binding` to interactively modify your data array_ ## Styling Cooming soon ## Properties **data-list**: _Array_ Data array in format ```js [ {value: 'example'}, ... ] ``` **emptyListMessage**: _String_ Message that is shown to the user when the list is empty