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Integration of A-Frame for Vaadin platform





Vaadin A-frame addon

Vaadin 14 Java integration of @aframevr/aframe. This addon wraps the most common elements of the A-Frame Framework for Java usage in Vaadin.

You can see more about A-frame from




Learn more about AR.JS

A-Frame blog post

AR.js GitHub page

Installing A-frame

Install A-frame from npm repository:

npm install aframe


Make sure that aframe dependency is added to dependencies in package.json file :

"aframe": "^1.0.0"

Basic usage

Create an <a-scene> element and add it to the view.

Ascene ascene = new Ascene();

You can add a child element to an <a-scene> by creating A-Frame element such as <a-box> and then call the add method of the <a-scene> instance.

Abox abox = new Abox();

Most of the available attributes of the elements have a setter and a getter.

You can modify the attributes of the elements by calling setters of the attributes.

abox.setPosition("0 2 -5");

You can also set the attributes directly using setAttribute(String, String) method.

abox.setAttribute("height", "2");

Element attribute values can be obtained using getters or getAttribute method. If the attribute is not set for the element a null is returned.

String colorByGetter = abox.getColor();
String colorByGetAttribute =  abox.getAttribute("color");    	

Vaadin A-Frame also contains Gulper that allows creating objects from a XML string. A-box declared in HTML like <a-box color="green" position="0 2 -5" rotation="0 45 45"></a-box> can be converted into Abox object using addXml(String) method. New object is automatically added to the object which method was called.

ascene.addXml("<a-box color=\"green\" position=\"0 2 -5\" rotation=\"0 45 45\"></a-box>");

The addXml(String) method returns the object created (return type AFrameBase).

Abox dynamicAbox = (Abox) ascene.addXml("<a-box color=\"green\" position=\"0 2 -5\" rotation=\"0 45 45\"></a-box>");

If you just want to create a new object from a string but don't want to add it to a parent you can call Gulper directly.

Abox dynamicAbox = (Abox) Gulper.aFrameFactory("<a-box color=\"green\" position=\"0 2 -5\" rotation=\"0 45 45\"></a-box>");

NOTE: All XML elements must have a closing tag. Use closing tag like </a-box> or <a-box/>.

NOTE: Attributes must be followed by the ' = ' character. Using <video autoplay></video> causes an exception while while <video autoplay=\"\"></video> does not.

Embedded <a-scene>

Without embedded attribute the <a-scene> fills the whole view. You can use the embedded attribute with CSS to modify the size of the <a-scene> element.

Ascene ascene = new Ascene();    	
ascene.getElement().getStyle().set("height", "800px");
ascene.getElement().getStyle().set("width", "800px");

Note: In basic Vaadin application A-Frame "Enter VR mode" button is not visible by default. Button appears in the embedded mode.

You can add other Vaadin elements to the view using layouts such as VerticalLayout.

VerticalLayout layout = new VerticalLayout();
layout.add(new Button("Press me")); 
Ascene ascene = new Ascene();    	
ascene.getElement().getStyle().set("height", "800px");
ascene.getElement().getStyle().set("width", "800px");

Camera and Cursor

Element <a-camera> provides access to what the user sees. Element <a-cursor> provides clicking and basic interactivity to the user. Cursor should always be added to the camera.

Acamera camera = (Acamera) ascene.addXml("<a-camera></a-camera>");
Acursor cursor = (Acursor) camera.addXml("<a-cursor></a-cursor>");

By default the user can move around in 3d view using wasd keys. This can be modified via the wasd-controls-enabled attribute of <a-camera>.



Using cursor allows basic event handling. Basic events provided are mousedown, mouseup, mouseenter, mouseleave, and click. Event can be added to elements as normal.

Ascene ascene = new Ascene();    	
Abox abox = new Abox();
Acamera camera = (Acamera) ascene.addXml("<a-camera></a-camera>");
Acursor cursor = (Acursor) camera.addXml("<a-cursor></a-cursor>");
abox.getElement().addEventListener("click", e -> {"Element abox was clicked");
abox.getElement().addEventListener("mouseenter", e -> {"Element emitted mouseenter event");
abox.getElement().addEventListener("mouseleave", e -> {"Element emitted mouseleave event");

Using assets

Assets can be defined using <a-assets> as the parent. Adding for example images can be done by creating an <img> and using parents add or addXml methods. Image can be then referred in the <a-box> src attribute.

Aassets assets = (Aassets) ascene.addXml("<a-assets></a-assets>");
assets.addXml("<img id=\"my-image\" src=\"\" crossorigin=\"anonymous\"/>");
Abox abox = new Abox();


Vaadin A-Frame elements can be bound using Binder. Example below shows how to create a view with three TextField and an Abox. TextFiels are then bound to the attribute getters and setters of the Abox class.

VerticalLayout layout = new VerticalLayout();
Ascene ascene = new Ascene();
ascene.getElement().getStyle().set("height", "800px");
ascene.getElement().getStyle().set("width", "800px");

TextField widthField = new TextField();
TextField heightField = new TextField();
TextField depthField = new TextField();

Abox abox = new Abox();

Binder<Abox> boxBinder = new Binder<Abox>();    	
boxBinder.forField(widthField).bind(Abox::getWidth, Abox::setWidth);
boxBinder.forField(heightField).bind(Abox::getHeight, Abox::setHeight);
boxBinder.forField(depthField).bind(Abox::getDepth, Abox::setDepth);

HorizontalLayout horiLayout = new HorizontalLayout();
horiLayout.add(widthField, heightField, depthField);    			
layout.add(horiLayout, ascene);

Note: In the example above the width, height and depth are set to "1". A-Frame defaults the dimension of an <a-box> to "1 1 1" but if they are not explicitly set the TextFields won't show any value. Getters always return the value of the element attribute and if the attribute is not set the getter returns a null.

Using AR.js

JavaScript library for AR.js ( aframe-ar.js) is not included in A-Frame for Vaadin by default. You can include it by example using the @JavaScript annotation in the view class.


When using AR.js with A-Frame the <a-scene> needs to have embedded and arjs attributes. Since <a-scene> is embedded you need to add the height and width using css.

Add the <a-marker-camera> element to <a-scene>.

Ascene scene = new Ascene();
scene.setAttribute("arjs", "");
scene.getElement().getStyle().set("height", "800px");
scene.getElement().getStyle().set("width", "800px");
Amarkercamera markercamera = (Amarkercamera) scene.addXml("<a-marker-camera preset=\"hiro\"></a-marker-camera>");        
Abox box = new Abox();
box.setPosition("0 2 -5");

Note: To use a web camera or a mobile phones camera most browsers require HTTPS connection. Also remember to check that the browser has the rights to use the camera.

Available elements:

Following elements have been implemented to Vaadin A-Frame addon:

<a-marker-camera> (for AR.JS look instruction from above)





Sample code

Ascene ascene = new Ascene();
Abox abox = new Abox();
abox.setPosition("0 2 -5");

abox.setAttribute("height", "2");
String colorByGetter = abox.getColor();
String colorByGetAttribute =  abox.getAttribute("color"); 
ascene.addXml("<a-box color=\"green\" position=\"0 2 -5\" rotation=\"0 45 45\"></a-box>");
Abox dynamicAbox = (Abox) ascene.addXml("<a-box color=\"green\" position=\"0 2 -5\" rotation=\"0 45 45\"></a-box>");
Abox dynamicAbox = (Abox) Gulper.aFrameFactory("<a-box color=\"green\" position=\"0 2 -5\" rotation=\"0 45 45\"></a-box>");
Ascene ascene = new Ascene();    	
ascene.getElement().getStyle().set("height", "800px");
ascene.getElement().getStyle().set("width", "800px");
VerticalLayout layout = new VerticalLayout();
layout.add(new Button("Press me")); 
Ascene ascene = new Ascene();    	
ascene.getElement().getStyle().set("height", "800px");
ascene.getElement().getStyle().set("width", "800px");
Acamera camera = (Acamera) ascene.addXml("<a-camera></a-camera>");
Acursor cursor = (Acursor) camera.addXml("<a-cursor></a-cursor>");
Ascene ascene = new Ascene();    	
Abox abox = new Abox();
Acamera camera = (Acamera) ascene.addXml("<a-camera></a-camera>");
Acursor cursor = (Acursor) camera.addXml("<a-cursor></a-cursor>");
abox.getElement().addEventListener("click", e -> {"Element abox was clicked");
abox.getElement().addEventListener("mouseenter", e -> {"Element emitted mouseenter event");
abox.getElement().addEventListener("mouseleave", e -> {"Element emitted mouseleave event");
Aassets assets = (Aassets) ascene.addXml("<a-assets></a-assets>");
assets.addXml("<img id=\"my-image\" src=\"\" crossorigin=\"anonymous\"/>");
Abox abox = new Abox();
VerticalLayout layout = new VerticalLayout();
Ascene ascene = new Ascene();
ascene.getElement().getStyle().set("height", "800px");
ascene.getElement().getStyle().set("width", "800px");

TextField widthField = new TextField();
TextField heightField = new TextField();
TextField depthField = new TextField();

Abox abox = new Abox();

Binder<Abox> boxBinder = new Binder<Abox>();    	
boxBinder.forField(widthField).bind(Abox::getWidth, Abox::setWidth);
boxBinder.forField(heightField).bind(Abox::getHeight, Abox::setHeight);
boxBinder.forField(depthField).bind(Abox::getDepth, Abox::setDepth);

HorizontalLayout horiLayout = new HorizontalLayout();
horiLayout.add(widthField, heightField, depthField);    			
layout.add(horiLayout, ascene);
Ascene scene = new Ascene();
scene.setAttribute("arjs", "");
scene.getElement().getStyle().set("height", "800px");
scene.getElement().getStyle().set("width", "800px");
Amarkercamera markercamera = (Amarkercamera) scene.addXml("<a-marker-camera preset=\"hiro\"></a-marker-camera>");        
Abox box = new Abox();
box.setPosition("0 2 -5");


(Loading compatibility data...)

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Added material to primitives attribute list.

Apache License 2.0


Vaadin 14+

a-frame-vaadin - Vaadin Add-on Directory

Integration of A-Frame for Vaadin platform a-frame-vaadin - Vaadin Add-on Directory
# Vaadin A-frame addon Vaadin 14 Java integration of @aframevr/aframe. This addon wraps the most common elements of the A-Frame Framework for Java usage in Vaadin. ## You can see more about A-frame from [Homepage]( [GitHub]( [npm]( Learn more about AR.JS [A-Frame blog post]( [AR.js GitHub page]( ## Installing A-frame Install A-frame from npm repository: ``` npm install aframe ``` ### Troubleshooting Make sure that aframe dependency is added to ``dependencies`` in package.json file : ``` "aframe": "^1.0.0" ``` ## Basic usage Create an ```` element and add it to the view. ``` Ascene ascene = new Ascene(); add(ascene); ``` You can add a child element to an ```` by creating A-Frame element such as ```` and then call the ``add`` method of the ```` instance. ``` Abox abox = new Abox(); ascene.add(abox); ``` Most of the available attributes of the elements have a setter and a getter. You can modify the attributes of the elements by calling setters of the attributes. ``` abox.setColor("green"); abox.setPosition("0 2 -5"); ``` You can also set the attributes directly using ``setAttribute(String, String)`` method. ``` abox.setAttribute("height", "2"); ``` Element attribute values can be obtained using getters or ``getAttribute`` method. If the attribute is not set for the element a ``null`` is returned. ``` String colorByGetter = abox.getColor(); String colorByGetAttribute = abox.getAttribute("color"); ``` Vaadin A-Frame also contains Gulper that allows creating objects from a XML string. A-box declared in HTML like ```` can be converted into Abox object using ``addXml(String)`` method. New object is automatically added to the object which method was called. ``` ascene.addXml(""); ``` The ``addXml(String)`` method returns the object created (return type ``AFrameBase``). ``` Abox dynamicAbox = (Abox) ascene.addXml(""); ``` If you just want to create a new object from a string but don't want to add it to a parent you can call Gulper directly. ``` Abox dynamicAbox = (Abox) Gulper.aFrameFactory(""); ``` NOTE: All XML elements must have a closing tag. Use closing tag like ```` or ````. NOTE: Attributes must be followed by the ' = ' character. Using ```` causes an exception while while ```` does not. ## Embedded ```` Without ``embedded`` attribute the ```` fills the whole view. You can use the ``embedded`` attribute with CSS to modify the size of the ```` element. ``` Ascene ascene = new Ascene(); ascene.setEmbedded("embedded"); ascene.getElement().getStyle().set("height", "800px"); ascene.getElement().getStyle().set("width", "800px"); ``` Note: In basic Vaadin application A-Frame "Enter VR mode" button is not visible by default. Button appears in the embedded mode. You can add other Vaadin elements to the view using layouts such as VerticalLayout. ``` VerticalLayout layout = new VerticalLayout(); layout.add(new Button("Press me")); Ascene ascene = new Ascene(); ascene.setEmbedded("embedded"); ascene.getElement().getStyle().set("height", "800px"); ascene.getElement().getStyle().set("width", "800px"); layout.add(ascene); add(layout); ``` ## Camera and Cursor Element ```` provides access to what the user sees. Element ```` provides clicking and basic interactivity to the user. Cursor should always be added to the camera. ``` Acamera camera = (Acamera) ascene.addXml(""); Acursor cursor = (Acursor) camera.addXml(""); ``` By default the user can move around in 3d view using wasd keys. This can be modified via the ``wasd-controls-enabled`` attribute of ````. ``` camera.setWasdcontrolsenabled("false"); ``` ## Events Using cursor allows basic event handling. Basic events provided are *mousedown*, *mouseup*, *mouseenter*, *mouseleave*, and *click*. Event can be added to elements as normal. ``` Ascene ascene = new Ascene(); Abox abox = new Abox(); ascene.add(abox); abox.setColor("green"); Acamera camera = (Acamera) ascene.addXml(""); Acursor cursor = (Acursor) camera.addXml(""); abox.getElement().addEventListener("click", e -> {"Element abox was clicked"); }); abox.getElement().addEventListener("mouseenter", e -> {"Element emitted mouseenter event"); }); abox.getElement().addEventListener("mouseleave", e -> {"Element emitted mouseleave event"); }); ``` ## Using assets Assets can be defined using ```` as the parent. Adding for example images can be done by creating an ```` and using parents ``add `` or ``addXml`` methods. Image can be then referred in the ```` ``src`` attribute. ``` Aassets assets = (Aassets) ascene.addXml(""); assets.addXml(""); Abox abox = new Abox(); ascene.add(abox); abox.setSrc("#my-image"); ``` ## Binding Vaadin A-Frame elements can be bound using ``Binder``. Example below shows how to create a view with three ``TextField`` and an ``Abox``. TextFiels are then bound to the attribute getters and setters of the ``Abox`` class. ``` VerticalLayout layout = new VerticalLayout(); Ascene ascene = new Ascene(); ascene.setEmbedded("true"); ascene.getElement().getStyle().set("height", "800px"); ascene.getElement().getStyle().set("width", "800px"); TextField widthField = new TextField(); TextField heightField = new TextField(); TextField depthField = new TextField(); Abox abox = new Abox(); ascene.add(abox); abox.setColor("green"); abox.setWidth("1"); abox.setHeight("1"); abox.setDepth("1"); Binder boxBinder = new Binder(); boxBinder.setBean(abox); boxBinder.forField(widthField).bind(Abox::getWidth, Abox::setWidth); boxBinder.forField(heightField).bind(Abox::getHeight, Abox::setHeight); boxBinder.forField(depthField).bind(Abox::getDepth, Abox::setDepth); HorizontalLayout horiLayout = new HorizontalLayout(); horiLayout.add(widthField, heightField, depthField); layout.add(horiLayout, ascene); add(layout); ``` Note: In the example above the width, height and depth are set to "1". A-Frame defaults the dimension of an ```` to "1 1 1" but if they are not explicitly set the TextFields won't show any value. Getters always return the value of the element attribute and if the attribute is not set the getter returns a ``null``. ## Using AR.js JavaScript library for AR.js ( ``aframe-ar.js``) is not included in A-Frame for Vaadin by default. You can include it by example using the ``@JavaScript`` annotation in the view class. ``` @JavaScript("") ``` When using AR.js with A-Frame the ```` needs to have ``embedded`` and ``arjs`` attributes. Since ```` is embedded you need to add the height and width using css. Add the ```` element to ````. ``` Ascene scene = new Ascene(); scene.setEmbedded("embedded"); scene.setAttribute("arjs", ""); scene.getElement().getStyle().set("height", "800px"); scene.getElement().getStyle().set("width", "800px"); Amarkercamera markercamera = (Amarkercamera) scene.addXml(""); add(scene); Abox box = new Abox(); scene.add(box); box.setPosition("0 2 -5"); box.setColor("blue"); ``` Note: To use a web camera or a mobile phones camera most browsers require HTTPS connection. Also remember to check that the browser has the rights to use the camera. ## Available elements: Following elements have been implemented to Vaadin A-Frame addon: ``` (for AR.JS look instruction from above) ``` Primitives: ``` ``` Assets: ```