
paper-carousel - Vaadin Add-on Directory

Web component to build a responsive carousel paper-carousel - Vaadin Add-on Directory
**[ This description is mirrored from at []( on 2019-05-10 ]** [![Published on](]( # Paper-carousel ### Description Polymer element for displaying a responsive carousel. ### Install Bower is necessary to manage the element. [Have a look at their website]( for more details. ```sh bower install --save Redbility/paper-carousel ``` ### Examples Simple use example: ```html ``` Image gallery example: ```html ``` ### Attributes | Attribute Name | Functionality | Type | Default | |----------------|-------------|-------------|-------------| | items | Number of slides shown on each page | Number | 1 | | responsive | String that contains information about breakpoints | String | null | | controls | Shows or hides the forward and backward page controls | Boolean | true | | dots | Shows or hides the navigation dots | Boolean | true | | dotText | Shows or hides numbers inside dots | Boolean | true | | prevIcon | Allows customize the prev arrow icon | String | image:navigate-before | | nextIcon | Allows customize the next arrow icon | String | image:navigate-next | | loop | Allows repeat slides infinitely | Boolean | false | | autoplay | Allows play automatically | Boolean | false | | autoplaytime | Sets the time of autoplay in milliseconds | Number | 6000 | | transitionspeed | Sets transition speed in milliseconds | Number | 500 | ### Methods | Method Name | Explanation | |-------------|-------------| | getTotalItems() | Gets the number of total items inside carousel | | getTotalPages() | Gets the number of total pages of carousel | | getCurrentItem() | Gets the active item | | goToItem(number) | Moves carousel to the item position | | goToNextItem() | Moves carousel to the next item | | goToPrevItem() | Moves carousel to the prev item | | getCurrentPage() | Gets the active page | | goToPage(number) | Moves carousel to the page position | | goToNextPage() | Moves carousel to the next page | | goToPrevPage() | Moves carousel to the prev page | | refresh() | Forces carousel reload | ### Events | Event Name | Explanation | |-------------|-------------| | onmove | Is called each time the carousel moves | ### How to contribute This element has been developed on Pug, Sass and CoffeeScript, you can find this files at `source` folder. To manage and compile this languages you will have to use [Gulp]( You will find a folder called `tools`, that folder includes gulpfile.js and package.json. When the dependencies have been installed, you can launch the different tasks of gulpFile from the `tools` folder. You can try the component with following command: ```sh gulp serve ``` The serve task creates a server where visualize the component, watches for changes on the files and reload the page after compile it.