
loading-spinner - Vaadin Add-on Directory

Polymer-based web component for a loading spinner loading-spinner - Vaadin Add-on Directory
**[ This description is mirrored from at []( on 2019-05-10 ]** **Looking for SASS-based `d2l-loading-spinner`?** It's [over here]( # d2l-loading-spinner [![Published on](]( [![Bower version][bower-image]][bower-url] [![Build status][ci-image]][ci-url] [Polymer]( web component loading spinner. ![screenshot of loading component](/loading-spinner.gif?raw=true) For further information on this and other components, refer to [The Brightspace UI Guide]( ## Installation `d2l-loading-spinner` can be installed from [Bower][bower-url]: ```shell bower install d2l-loading-spinner ``` ## Usage Include the [webcomponents.js]( "lite" polyfill (for browsers who don't natively support web components), then import `d2l-loading-spinner.html`: ```html ``` ```html ``` ### Size The size (default `50px`) can be adjusted using the `size` attribute: ```html ``` Or by setting the `--d2l-loading-spinner-size` [CSS property]( ```html .huge-spinner { --d2l-loading-spinner-size: 400px; } ``` ### Color While not recommended, the default color (blue) can be set using the `color` attribute: ```html ``` Or by setting the `--d2l-loading-spinner-color` [CSS property]( ```html .red-spinner { --d2l-loading-spinner-color: red; } ``` ## Developing, Testing and Contributing After cloning the repo, run `npm install` to install dependencies. If you don't have it already, install the [Polymer CLI]( globally: ```shell npm install -g polymer-cli ``` To start a [local web server]( that hosts the demo page and tests: ```shell polymer serve ``` To lint ([eslint]( and [Polymer lint]( ```shell npm run lint ``` [bower-url]: [bower-image]: [ci-url]: [ci-image]: ## Versioning Commits and PR merges to master will automatically do a minor version bump which will: * Update the version in `package.json` * Add a tag matching the new version * Create a github release matching the new version By using either **[increment major]** or **[increment patch]** notation inside your merge message, you can overwrite the default version upgrade of minor to the position of your choice.