
Grid Helpers Add-on

Flowing Code

Several grid recipes for Vaadin 23+ (and 22), ready to use


Sami Ekblad

Simple user inactivity monitor for Vaadin applications ⏱️

PivotTable for Vaadin

Vaadin ComponentFactory

PivotTable component for Flow

LoadTestDriver add-on

Johannes Tuikkala

Probably the simplest way to generate load tests for Vaadin applications.

Accessibility checker

Team Parttio

Accessibility devtools plugin for Vaadin 24.2+. This allows to run an accessibility review from the devtools

Enhanced DatePicker

Vaadin ComponentFactory

DatePicker with ability to format by pattern

HTML Dialog for Flow

Stefan Uebe

HTML Dialog integration for Flow

DateRangePicker for Vaadin

XDEV Software

A DateRangePicker for Vaadin Flow

Chip-ComboBox for Vaadin

XDEV Software

Chip-ComboBox for Vaadin

GridExporter for Vaadin

XDEV Software

Vaadin Flow GridExporter

Editable Labels for Vaadin

XDEV Software

Editable Labels for Vaadin


Vaadin ComponentFactory

Text input with a panel of suggested options

ChartJs add-on for Vaadin 14+

JD Rudie

ChartJS for Vaadin 14

Unlike Button

Alexander Mikhaylov

Unlike button

Like Button

Alexander Mikhaylov

A simple like button component


Vaadin ComponentFactory

Addon that recreates some of the functionalities of Vaadin 7 Grid Layout component for Vaadin Flow


Olli Tietäväinen

EasyBinder for Vaadin 24

Spring Boot Security for Vaadin

Patrick Schmidt

Security for Vaadin applications based on Spring Boot Security

Paper-Range-Slider components

Danilo Freire


TwinColGrid add-on

Flowing Code

TwinColSelect component based on Vaadin Grids

WC Stories Addon

Flowing Code

Vaadin 14+ Addon for displaying images as stories


Team Parttio

Vaadin Java API for Colorful React color picker component

Embedded Jetty + Guice Example

Oliver Yasuna

An example of a Vaadin 23/24 servlet running in an embedded Jetty server with Guice as a dependency injection framework.


Branislav Kuliha

Integration of Webswing application with Vaadin application.


Vaadin ComponentFactory

Tooltip is a component that can be used in conjunction with any component to display contextual information.

Flow Swiper

Alessandro Schwaiger

A Vaadin Flow wrapper around SwiperJS

Extended Login Add-on

Flowing Code

Vaadin Login component extension providing additional features

Flip Card Add-on

Flowing Code

Card component that can flip on hover or on click.

pulltorefresh }> add-on

Team Parttio

An extension to Vaadin that provides a Java API for the pulltorefresh.js JS library.


Gerrit Sedlaczek

A Tippy.js based Tooltip-Plugin for Vaadin Flow (23+).

OrgChart Add-on

Flowing Code

Organizational Chart Addon

PDF viewer component for Vaadin Flow 14.+

Marcelo D. Ré

PDFViewer for Vaadin 14.+ with image overlay

LogRocket Integration

Oliver Yasuna

Integrates LogRocket with your Vaadin application.

Enhanced Map

Vaadin ComponentFactory

Extension of Vaadin Map component that includes geofencing capabilities.


Sudebi Mukherjee

Stop event propagation of child component

Webcam Flow

Tatu Lund

A simple Webcam capture field for Vaadin 23/24


Team Parttio

Vaadin 10 component for taking pictures and recording short videos

Fluent Flow

Oliver Yasuna

Fluent factories for all things Vaadin.

Filesystem DataProvider Add-on

Tatu Lund

This is FilesystemDataProvider and FtpDataProvider for Vaadin 24, 23, 14 and 8 and does roughly the same functions as FilesystemContainer for Vaadin7


Tatu Lund

Java API for Lumo Badge for Vaadin 24, Vaadin 23.3.x and Vaadin 14.x.

Vaadin TreeGrid

Vaadin Ltd

Component that adds tree-like functionality to Grid for displaying hierarchical data


Dan Watson

Extension of the Vaadin Upload component to allow usage in forms and enhance multi file uploads.

AudioPlayer Add-on

Team Parttio

Headless audio player using WebAudio API to allow streaming playback of an server-side PCM data buffer. Offers server side controls and pluggable effects.


Sami Ekblad

Track Vaadin application use with Google Analytics

GraalVM Native Image Example

Oliver Yasuna

An example of a Vaadin application that can be compiled to a native image using GraalVM.


Dan Watson

Simple ProgressBar replacement that renders a series of segments rather than a continuous bar.

NoUi Field

Dan Watson

Lightweight field implementation that has no UI component and can still be used with Binder.


Dan Watson

A collection of ComponentRenderers to handle common scenarios in rendering Grid data.

Hover Column

Dan Watson

Hide contents of a Grid Column until hovering on the row.

Flow Commons

Oliver Yasuna

A commons library for Vaadin Flow.

RSS Items

Flowing Code

RSS Vaadin 10+ component

Add-on to embed quicksight dashboard / visuals into vaadin

Dineshkumar Ramasamy

addon to embed quick sight visuals

Css Grid Layout 3

Vaadin ComponentFactory

Build flexible layouts of any kind with css grid (V24+)

ToggleButton for Flow

Vaadin ComponentFactory

Web Component providing an on/off switch that users can toggle

Canvas Java

Team Parttio

Canvas component for Vaadin 10+

Notification Menu

Diogo Soares

Notification Menu

Explorer Tree Grid

Vaadin ComponentFactory

Explorer Tree Grid for Flow is an extended version of Vaadin Tree Grid that adds connectors between parent and children, like an Explorer Tree.

Grid Pagination

Team Parttio

Custom Vaadin 14+ Grid component with pagination feature enabled


Kaes Dingeling

Modern Navigation Menu


Auto Form Filler

Armando Perea - NOAA Affiliate

AutoFormFiller is a Java-based web application that uses Vaadin components and OpenAI GPT-3.5 (or provided AI webservice call) to automatically fill out forms based on user prompts.

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