
Emit Reading API for Vaadin

Matti Tahvonen

Java/Vaadin API for Emit sport timing gear

XTerm Console Addon

Flowing Code

Vaadin 14+ Java integration of xterm.js terminal emulator.



Sebastian Dietrich

Field for entering JSR354 (including both amount and currency)

Vaadin Spring

Vaadin Ltd

Use Spring dependency injection in your Vaadin application.


Matti Tahvonen

Java Playwright helpers for Vaadin users

FontAwesome Iron Iconset

Flowing Code

Iron iconset based on FontAwesome

Google Maps Addon

Flowing Code

Vaadin Flow add-on for Google Maps Web Component


Team Parttio

A Helper Library to build JavaScript components for Vaadin using Velocity templating engine powered JS.

Date Range Picker

Vaadin ComponentFactory

This is a component to select a date range with single calendar popup.

Idle Notification

Vaadin ComponentFactory

Displays a notification and action-buttons before session-timeout

File Download Wrapper

Olli Tietäväinen

Helper add-on for making easy clickable file downloads.


Vaadin ComponentFactory

Leaflet component provides a JAVA API for Leaflet maps library.

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