Accordion is a multicomponent container similar to TabSheet, except that the "tabs" are arranged vertically. Clicking on a tab opens its contained component in the space between the tab and the next one. You can use an Accordion identically to a TabSheet, which it actually inherits. See Section 6.8, “TabSheet for more information.

The following example shows how you can create a simple accordion. As the Accordion is rather naked alone, we put it inside a Panel that acts as its caption and provides it a border.

// Create the Accordion.
Accordion accordion = new Accordion();

// Have it take all space available in the layout.

// Some components to put in the Accordion.
Label l1 = new Label("There are no previously saved actions.");
Label l2 = new Label("There are no saved notes.");
Label l3 = new Label("There are currently no issues.");

// Add the components as tabs in the Accordion.
accordion.addTab(l1, "Saved actions", null);
accordion.addTab(l2, "Notes", null);
accordion.addTab(l3, "Issues", null);

// A container for the Accordion.
Panel panel = new Panel("Tasks");

// Trim its layout to allow the Accordion take all space.

Figure 6.14, “An Accordion” shows what the example would look like with the default theme.