While you can develop new widgets with any IDE or even without, you may find Eclipse and the Vaadin Plugin for it useful, as it automates all the basic routines of widget development, most importantly the creation of new widgets.

You can create a new widget as follows:

  1. Select FileNewOther... in the main menu or right-click the Project Explorer and select NewOther... or press Ctrl+N to open the New dialog.

  2. In the first, Select a wizard step, select VaadinVaadin Widget and click Next.

  3. In the New Component wizard step, fill out the target folder, package, and class information.

    Source folder

    The root folder of the entire source tree. The default value is the default source tree of your project, and you should normally leave it unchanged unless you have a different project structure.


    The parent package under which the new server-side component should be created. If it does not already exist, the .gwt.xml descriptor that defines the widget set will be created under the widgetset subpackage under this package, and the actual new widget under the widgetset.client.ui subpackage.


    The class name of the new server-side component. The name of the client-side widget stub (if you have its creation enabled) will be the same but with "V-" prefix, for example, VMycomponent. You can rename the classes afterwards.


    The superclass of the server-side component. It is AbstractComponent by default, but com.vaadin.ui.AbstractField or com.vaadin.ui.AbstractSelect are other commonly used superclasses. If you are extending an existing component, you should select it as the superclass. You can easily change the superclass later.

    Build client-side stub

    When this option is selected (strongly recommended), the wizard will build a stub for the client-side widget.

    Finally, click Finish to create the new component.

The wizard will:

  • Create a server-side component stub in the base package

  • Create a GWT module descriptor file (.gwt.xml) in the widgetset package under the base package

  • Create a client-side widget stub in the widgetset.client.ui package under the base package

  • Modify the web.xml deployment descriptor to specify the widget set class name parameter for the application.

The structure of the server-side component and the client-side widget, and the serialization of component state between them, is explained in the subsequent sections of this chapter.

To compile the widget set, click the Compile widget set button in the Eclipse toolbar. See Section 11.2.2, “Recompiling the Widget Set” for details. After the compilation finishes, you should be able to run your application as before, but using the new widget set. The compilation result is written under the WebContent/VAADIN/widgetsets folder. When you need to recompile the widget set in Eclipse, see Section 11.2.2, “Recompiling the Widget Set”. For detailed information on compiling widget sets, see Section 11.8.4, “Compiling GWT Widget Sets”.

The following setting is inserted in the web.xml deployment descriptor to enable the widget set:

    <description>Application widgetset</description>

You can refactor the package structure if you find need for it, but GWT compiler requires that the client-side code must always be stored under a package named "client".

After you edit a widget, you need to recompile the widget set. Vaadin automatically suggests to compile the widget set every time you save a client-side source file. If this gets annoying, you can disable the automatic recompilation from the Vaadin category in project settings, by selecting the Suspend automatic widgetset builds option.

You can recompile the widget set manually by clicking the Compile widgetset button in the Eclipse toolbar, shown in Figure 11.2, “The Compile Widgetset Button in Eclipse Toolbar” while the project is open and selected.

The compilation progress is shown in the Console panel in Eclipse, as illustrated in Figure 11.3, “Recompiling a Widget Set”.

The compilation output is written under the WebContent/VAADIN/widgetsets folder, in a widget set specific folder.

You can speed up the compilation significantly by compiling the widget set only for your browser during development. The generated .gwt.xml descriptor stub includes a disabled element that specifies the target browser. See Section 11.5, “Defining a Widget Set” for more details on setting the user-agent property.

For detailed information on compiling widget sets, see Section 11.8.4, “Compiling GWT Widget Sets”. Should you compile a widget set outside Eclipse, you need to refresh the project by selecting it in Project Explorer and pressing F5.

When you have the Eclipse Plugin installed, the project settings will have a Vaadin section, where you can select the Vaadin version and make settings to widget set building. The settings window is shown in Figure 11.4, “Plugin Related Project Settings”.

The plugin will automatically download the GWT version compatible with the selected Vaadin package.