
Vaadin Grid 1.2.0-beta Released

Juniper Belmont
On Oct 6, 2016 10:30:00 AM

The Vaadin Elements team is hard at work bringing more features to Vaadin Core Elements, and we’d like to share the release of vaadin-grid 1.2.0-beta1. This pre-release will let you use the latest version of vaadin-grid while we finalize the stable release of vaadin-grid 1.2.0.

In addition to bug fixes and optimizations, this 1.2.0 beta release introduces the much requested dynamic column reordering for vaadin-grid.

  • vaadin-grid now allows non-frozen columns to be dragged and reordered. This change was the result of a dedicated community member taking on this feature and running with it. This is the power of open source!
  • vaadin-grid columns can now be resized. This was another contribution from the same community members that added column reordering.
  • vaadin-grid 1.2 beta also includes default sorting functions for array data. Just add and array and mark a column as sortable to enable sorting.

Test Drive Vaadin Grid 1.2 Beta

To install the beta release of vaadin-grid 1.2 with bower, run the following command from your project folder:
$ bower install --save vaadin-grid#~1.2.0-beta1

To revert back to the stable release, run:

$ bower install --save vaadin-grid

To enable column reordering change your code to read:

<vaadin-grid column-reordering-allowed="">
  <!-- ... -->

To allow a column to be resized, add the resizable property to your column:

<col resizable>

See all Vaadin Elements and examples

Juniper Belmont
Juniper Belmont is a genderqueer developer advocate passionate about the open web platform. They love meeting people, talking about their passions, and giving presentations interspersed with bawdy jokes and lavish, mostly true stories.
They use they/them pronouns and they can be found @juniperbelmont
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