Interface CommandRunner

All Known Implementing Classes:
GradleRunner, MavenRunner

public interface CommandRunner
A generic command runner which throws a CommandRunnerException.
  • Field Details


      static final boolean IS_WINDOWS
  • Method Details

    • testArguments

      String[] testArguments()
      Get the arguments to use when testing if the command is available.
      the arguments to use when testing if the command is available
    • arguments

      String[] arguments()
      Get the arguments to use when running the command.
      the arguments to use when running the command
    • getLogger

      org.slf4j.Logger getLogger()
      Get the logger to use.
      the logger to use
    • currentDirectory

      File currentDirectory()
      Get the directory to run the command in.
      the directory to run the command in
    • executables

      List<String> executables()
      Get the executables to try, in order of preference.
      the executables to try
    • run

      default void run(Consumer<OutputStream> stdIn) throws CommandRunnerException
      Run the command.

      Output and errors destination for the sub-process are the same as the parent process.
      stdIn - a Consumer that can be used to write to the command's standard input, can be null if there's no need to write to it.
      CommandRunnerException - if the command fails
    • run

      default void run(Consumer<OutputStream> stdIn, boolean stdOut) throws CommandRunnerException
      Run the command.
      stdIn - a Consumer that can be used to write to the command's standard input, can be null if there's no need to write to it.
      stdOut - whether output and errors destination for the sub-process be the same as the parent process or not
      CommandRunnerException - if the command fails
    • createProcessBuilder

      default ProcessBuilder createProcessBuilder(List<String> commandWithArgs, boolean stdOut)
      Constructs a ProcessBuilder Instance using the passed in commands and arguments.

      NOTE: This method uses the result of calling environment() to set the environment variables of the process to be constructed.

      commandWithArgs - the command to be executed and its arguments
      stdOut - whether output and errors destination for the sub-process be the same as the parent process or not
      a ProcessBuilder instance to be used for executing the passed in commands and arguments.
      See Also:
    • getCurrentProcessInfo

      default ProcessHandle.Info getCurrentProcessInfo()
      Fetches the Java executable path that initiated the current java process
      An Optional of type String containing Java executable path or an empty Optional if it was not available.
    • environment

      default Map<String,String> environment()
      The custom environment variables needed for running the commands can be provided using this method.

      NOTE: The provided environment variables by this method is added to the existing env of the ProcessBuilder, and in case of providing a duplicate key, it is overwriting the previously existing value.

      A java.util.Map containing the environment variables and their values that are used by the ProcessBuilder to execute the command.