Uses of Class
Packages that use Map
Uses of Map in
Constructors in with parameters of type MapModifierConstructorDescriptionMapClickEvent
(Map source, boolean fromClient, elemental.json.JsonArray coordinate, elemental.json.JsonArray featureIds, elemental.json.JsonArray layerIds, int pageX, int pageY, boolean altKey, boolean ctrlKey, boolean metaKey, boolean shiftKey, int button) MapFeatureClickEvent
(Map source, boolean fromClient, String featureId, String layerId, int pageX, int pageY, boolean altKey, boolean ctrlKey, boolean metaKey, boolean shiftKey, int button) MapFeatureDropEvent
(Map source, boolean fromClient, String featureId, String layerId, elemental.json.JsonArray coordinate, elemental.json.JsonArray startCoordinate)