Class TreeGridElement

All Implemented Interfaces:
CanCompareScreenshots, HasCallFunction, HasDriver, HasElementQuery, HasPropertySettersGetters, HasSearchContext, HasTestBenchCommandExecutor, org.openqa.selenium.SearchContext, org.openqa.selenium.TakesScreenshot, org.openqa.selenium.WebElement, org.openqa.selenium.WrapsElement

public class TreeGridElement extends GridElement
TestBench Element API for TreeGrid.
  • Constructor Details

    • TreeGridElement

      public TreeGridElement()
  • Method Details

    • scrollToRowAndWait

      public void scrollToRowAndWait(int row)
      Scrolls to the row with the given index.
      row - the row to scroll to
    • scrollToRowAndWait

      public void scrollToRowAndWait(int... indexes)
      Scrolls to the row with the given indexes. The indexes are hierarchical, starting with the root index.
      indexes - the indexes of the row to scroll to
    • scrollToFlatRowAndWait

      public void scrollToFlatRowAndWait(int row)
      Scrolls to the row with the given flat index.
      row - the row to scroll to
    • getCellWaitForRow

      public GridTHTDElement getCellWaitForRow(int rowIndex, int colIndex)
      Gets the grid cell for the given row and column index.

      For the column index, only visible columns are taken into account.

      Automatically scrolls the given row into view and waits for the row to load.

      rowIndex - the row index
      colIndex - the column index
      the grid cell for the given coordinates
    • getCellWaitForRow

      public GridTHTDElement getCellWaitForRow(int rowIndex, GridColumnElement column)
      Gets the grid cell for the given row and column.

      Automatically scrolls the given row into view and waits for the row to load.

      rowIndex - the row index
      column - the column element for the column
      the grid cell for the given coordinates
    • expandWithClick

      public void expandWithClick(int rowIndex)
      Expands the row at the given index in the grid. This expects the first column to have the hierarchy data.
      rowIndex - 0-based row index to expand
      See Also:
    • expandWithClick

      public void expandWithClick(int rowIndex, int hierarchyColumnIndex)
      Expands the row at the given index in the grid with the given hierarchical column index.
      rowIndex - 0-based row index to expand
      hierarchyColumnIndex - 0-based index of the hierarchy column
    • collapseWithClick

      public void collapseWithClick(int rowIndex)
      Collapses the row at the given index in the grid. This expects the first column to have the hierarchy data.
      rowIndex - 0-based row index to collapse
      See Also:
    • collapseWithClick

      public void collapseWithClick(int rowIndex, int hierarchyColumnIndex)
      Collapses the row at the given index in the grid with the given hierarchical column index.
      rowIndex - 0-based row index to collapse
      hierarchyColumnIndex - 0-based index of the hierarchy column
    • isRowExpanded

      public boolean isRowExpanded(int rowIndex, int hierarchyColumnIndex)
      Returns whether the row at the given index is expanded or not.
      rowIndex - 0-based row index
      hierarchyColumnIndex - 0-based index of the hierarchy column
      true if expanded, false if collapsed
    • isRowCollapsed

      public boolean isRowCollapsed(int rowIndex, int hierarchyColumnIndex)
      Returns whether the row at the given index is collapsed or not.
      rowIndex - 0-based row index
      hierarchyColumnIndex - 0-based index of the hierarchy column
      true if collapsed, false if expanded
    • hasExpandToggle

      public boolean hasExpandToggle(int rowIndex, int hierarchyColumnIndex)
      Check whether the given indices correspond to a cell that contains a visible hierarchy toggle element.
      rowIndex - 0-based row index
      hierarchyColumnIndex - 0-based index of the hierarchy column
      true if this cell has the expand toggle visible
    • getExpandToggleElement

      public org.openqa.selenium.WebElement getExpandToggleElement(int rowIndex, int hierarchyColumnIndex)
      Gets the 'vaadin-grid-tree-toggle' element for the given row.
      rowIndex - 0-based row index
      hierarchyColumnIndex - 0-based index of the hierarchy column
      the span element that is clicked for expanding/collapsing a rows
      org.openqa.selenium.NoSuchElementException - if there is no expand element for this row
    • getNumberOfExpandedRows

      public long getNumberOfExpandedRows()
      Returns a number of expanded rows in the grid element. Notice that returned number does not mean that grid has yet finished rendering all visible expanded rows.
      the number of expanded rows
    • isDetailsOpen

      public boolean isDetailsOpen(int rowIndex)
      Returns true if details are open or the given row index.
      rowIndex - the 0-based row index
      true if details are shown in the target row
    • hasRow

      public boolean hasRow(int row)
      Returns true if given index has tr element for the row
      row - the row index
      true if there is tr element for the row, false otherwise
    • isLoadingExpandedRows

      public boolean isLoadingExpandedRows()
      Returns true if grid is loading expanded rows.
      true if grid is loading expanded rows, false otherwise
    • isLoading

      protected boolean isLoading()
      isLoading in class GridElement